Essay on Unit 302

Submitted By emma-marie89
Words: 818
Pages: 4

Unit 302 - Engage in Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

1.1 - Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role

My duties as a support worker involves supporting individuals with the importance of day to day personal care, such as supporting the individuals to know the importance of washing, toileting and all other personal hygiene I also support with shaving and dressing . I Support individuals with cooking and their personal shops and supporting them at their classes. It is my responsibility to ensure that the individual maintains an acceptable level of health and to promote the clients well-being. It is my responsibility to ensure that all company policies and procedures are carried out and to maintain records for the service delivered, along with responsibility for ensuring that my training needs are kept up-to-date so that I am at the level of standards required to undertake my role. It is also my duty and responsibility to treat individuals with respect and dignity at all times.

1.2 - Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards

In my work setting all policies and procedures are kept in the main office and are available to view at all times. It is very important that I am familiar with these policies and follow them at all times.
Also In my work setting there is a safeguarding folder and it is my responsibility to read this file and keep up to date with any changes or amendments that may arise, this is important as I need to know what to do when I think there is a safeguarding issue with any individuals. I must follow the confidentiality policy and not discuss any information about the individuals; I must only disclose any information if there is an appropriate reason to do so. Following the health & safety policy I must record any accidents in the relevant accident book and fill an accident slip in also all members of staff and visitors should sign in and out in the book which is located in the office.

2.1 - Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided

Reflective practice is an important way of learning from experiences and improving. Reflective practice identifies areas of practice which are good or successful and areas which are poor. Only when good and poor practices are identified can an accurate assessment of performance be made. Areas of good practice can be built on and repeated and any deficient areas identified addressed with training, advice and support.

2.3 - Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice

I may find I react positively to people who share my values and less warmly to people who have different beliefs when I develop friendships, it is natural that I spend time with the people who share my interests and values. However the professional relationships i develop with individuals i support is different because as a support worker I am required to provide the same quality of support for all, not just for those who share my views and beliefs. Working in the social care sector, I may come across individuals whose views I do not agree with, and who may never seem to