Unit 3 Essay China

Submitted By kaywala
Words: 802
Pages: 4

The interactions between nomadic and settled people have affected world history for thousands of years. Between the years of 500 BCE and 1000 CE, China was greatly influenced by nomadic peoples. The invasion of the Mongols led to the creation of the world’s largest empire and influenced China politically, economically, and socially. Throughout the rule of the Mongols and the recovery after, China was able to maintain its unique culture and identity. From 500–449BCE The Greek wars with Persia occurred and Persia was defeated. From 500–450 Beginnings of the Roman republic began. From 470 to 430, The Athenian culture increases and Socrates and Greek philosophical style arise. In 431 Peloponnesian Wars occurred and Greece declines. 330 to 325, Alexander the Great comes and invades. From 322 to 185BCE - the Mauryan Empire and from 300–100 the Hellenistic Period. In 264–140 the Roman expands into North Africa (Punic Wars) and eastern Mediterranean. Each of the classical civilizations had its own social structure, religion, political system, system of science, and styles of art. Comparisons of these differences, which have continued to the present day, form a vital part of studying the classical period. For example: in the late 20th century the Chinese government proved reasonably effective in mandating drastic changes in birth rates. The Indian government tried and failed to enforce somewhat similar regulations. The leaders changed many times in China during 100 C.E to 600 C.E.. In 100 C.E The Han dynasty was in power of all China. Then in 220 C.E. the Han dynasty falls, and three states take its place starting the warring states period that, except when the Jin dynasty reunites all of China from 265 C.E. to 316 C.E., lasts until 534 C.E. China is not reunited until the Sui dynasty in 581 C.E. There was also a change in religion. In 100 C.E. the main religions consisted of Confucius, Daoism, and Legalism. At that time Buddhism had only been introduced to China 50 years ago. Then, about 300 C.E., Buddhism started to expand, and became the primary religion of most people. The continuities of China consist of the following. China still maintains the Mandate of Heaven, which enabled the emperors to attain more power and privileges. Written languages are still the same; therefore, they still use the Chinese characters which are based on the oracle bone scripts. Even though the spoken languages are different, they still write the same characters. Agriculture is still the main sector for sustaining the economy of China. Patriarchal still remains in China, men continue to have more privileges than women. Civil examinations continue; there are still people who got their opportunity to follow the civil examination. The Great Wall of China was still under construction, in order to halt the Northern tribes’ aggressions or invasions. But now, stands strong and tall today. Ancestor worship and filial piety continues to be practiced, because Confucianism is still very prominent in China.
Through the time period 500 B.C.E. and 1000 C.E the Indian Civilization has changed