Essay on Typography and Sans Serif Font

Submitted By bree287
Words: 569
Pages: 3

Review Questions
A. By pressing the Down arrow key 3 times and then pressing the right arrow key 10 times
b. To position the insertion point with the mouse, move the pointer into the document until it changes from an arrow shape to the I-beam pointer. Click the I-beam pointer where the insertion point should appear.
Word wrap is the process that automatically determines if the words to the right will fit on the end of the current line or if some must go on the next line.
The word count of the document is displayed in the status bar.
A. By clicking Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar
B. By clicking Redo on the Quick Access Toolbar.
Formatting marks are useful when editing a document because they help you find mistakes like two spaces between words. A. A red wavy line indicates a word is spelled incorrectly or it is not in the dictionary.
B. A blue wavy line indicates a possible contextual error
A. The selected text will be deleted if the Backspace key is pressed.
B. To select an entire paragraph of text, triple-click a paragraph or move the pointer to the left of the text and double-click.
A. Select the Find whole words only.
B. The search text is ^p the and is created by selecting Paragraph Mark from Special and then typing The.
Replace all automatically replaces all occurrences of the word without checking which may result in a word being replaced that shouldn’t be.
A. Calibri is a sans serif font, Cambria is a serif font, Segoe is a sans serif font, Courier is a serif font, and Wingdings is a decorative font. B. An appropriate use for serif fonts is in long documents. An appropriate use for sans serif fonts is headings, and an appropriate use for decorative fonts is when a picture is necessary to convey a message.
A. Character size is measured in points. B. Text in the body of a letter would be better as size 10 rather than size 18 because size 18 is too big.
Two instances of when the subscript or superscript format should be used are to