Jerry-Jordan Kane
Mrs. Crain
English 101
10 February 2015
Tweet! Tweet!
Social networks have been taking over the internet for over a decade now. Myspace initiated the trend in 2003. Facebook was the next big site created in 2004, but was not really relevant at first. Eventually, around 2006, Facebook took off. Now, Facebook is slowing fading, and a new social network site has come about. Twitter was created in 2006 but did not become popular until 2010. Twitter has blown up rapidly. For example, as seen in Twitter: It's worth how much?!, “...the microblogging site, priced at $26 per share, is officially worth more than $18 billion.” However, Twitter is evolving into our lives, and it is only right if you know how to properly use it.
First things first, you will need a cell phone, tablet, iPod, or any other mobile device on which you are capable of downloading the Twitter app. When it comes down to creating a Twitter account, you will be asked to provide a verified email and a password. Make sure that your password is not something simple and only you know. It is dangerous if you do not because people love to hack into others’ personal lives on social networks. If you create a Twitter without a verified email then your use on the app will be limited – just like on any other social network. Once you go through that stage, you will need to create a “@name”. Your @name is your personal name that people can use to search you or even tag you into a status. Everyone on Twitter will have one, and more than likely, this is how everyone will know you.
Social networks are not hard to use or learn to use. However, Twitter is not really a social network. As Will Oremus stated, “It is better described as a social media platform which connect publishers with their public. Twitter’s chief function is to help people keep up with what’s going on in the world. In that regard, it’s closer to a news service than a social network.” In my opinion, Twitter is real easy to use because you do not have to do much. You are given a profile to create and edit whenever you please. First, you will need to provide a profile picture. Most of the time people use a selfie of themselves or a picture recently posted on Instagram. You have the option to add a header which is basically a background picture for your profile. Twitter gives you the option to provide your location. Mainly you put your city or even state. This does NOT mean to put your address. Also, you can provide a bio about yourself, up to 160 characters. If you are using Twitter for business reasons, then you can add an URL. They provide a space for you to post your website. Finally, you are ready to use Twitter. Tweeting-posting/uploading a new status-is the most known thing from Twitter. You are allowed to post up to 140 characters per tweet. Be careful what you tweet because jobs, colleges, and even teachers are watching you whether you know it or not. Many athletes have lost their $140,000 scholarship for 140 characters because they tweeted unnecessary stuff. When you tweet, you
technology. Many different and distinguished authors who have published essays or articles on this topic are; Nicholas Carr, a Pulitzer Prize Finalist and author of The Shallows, Tyler Cowen, a professor at George-Mason University and author of Three Tweets for the Web, John Naughton, senior research fellow in the center for research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities at Cambridge University and author of The Internet: Is It Changing the Way We Think?, and finally Kris Axtman, the up and coming…
Decision 2010, U.S, Sept 2010 -TWEET THIS FACT Source Facebook mobile app audience grew 88% (TWEET THIS STAT) Twitter mobile app audience grew 134% (TWEET THIS STAT) Foursquare mobile app audience grew 118% (TWEET THIS STAT) Pinterest is fastest growing social network in 2012 (TWEET THIS STAT) 46% of social media users now connect via a mobile phone (TWEET THIS STAT) 53% compliment brands…
for the protection of freedom of expression. Technology has allowed us to become anonymous on social websites. Justine Sacco, a woman who was traveling to Africa tweeted out, “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” This tweet changed her life. She got fired from her jobs, became a worldwide trend on twitter, and has not been able to live a normal life since. Since when do people feel it is ok to share racist feelings on a social media site? As much as i disagree with what…
Security go too far when reacting tweets of Leigh Van Bryan? Two Friends from UK, who were hoping to enjoy a vacation in the US, were turned back at the border after homeland security decided they didn’t like some of tweets recently posted by one of the friends. The one that tweeted an unsafe misunderstanding was named after Leigh Van Bryan. "A Simple word can be a dangerous thing"; therefore the homeland security did not go too far when reacting with his tweets. That is because of several reasons…
demographics, therefore increasing their overall popularity. From 2010 to 2011, statistics show a 280% increase in average number of tweets per day from 50 million to an astonishing 150 million tweets. Currently, Twitter stands as a common form of pop culture and continues expand by approximately 460,000 new twitter accounts each day. Twitter is designed to permit all users to tweet an unlimited amount of 140 character pieces, entailing personal experiences, interests or anything else that pertains to themselves…
with use of different methods of communication. Intrapersonal communication takes place within one person, which is meant to reflect oneself to clarify something. This text demonstrates the use of jargon. As we can see in this photo, when people tweet, they are not conscious of punctuation, grammar, or spelling as if it was a dialogue between individuals. This is influenced by the restrictions twitter has on the character count as people try to convey an idea in the fastest way possible. In order…
Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | | FB | New post 1pm | New promo post 3pm | New post 7pm | New promo post 5pm | New post 3 pm | New posts at 2 and 5pm | New posts at 1 and 6pm | | Twitter | New tweet 1,3,7pm | Free giveaway at 4pm | New tweet 1,3,7pm | Free giveaway at 4pm | New tweet 1,3,7pm | Tweeting contest all day | Tweeting contest all day | | Blog | | Blog at 4pm | | Blog at 6pm | | Blog from 4-7pm | Blog from 1-4pm | | Website | Update at 12am | | | Update at 12am |…
When they released the tweet saying, "Something special planned for League of Legends :D" which was followed up with, "Coming soon." 3 Hours later the DerpTrolling group released a tweet stating, "Apparently the test from 2 hours ago is actually caused the NA League Of Legends login server to be #nulled." (Released at 2:19 PM CST 12/30/13) To further more prove that they did/do plan to take down League of Legends at 2:22 PM CST 12/30/13 the DerpTrolling crew releasd yet another tweet stating, "@LeagueOfLegends We're…
Social Media Paper October 2, 2012 Draft 31/4 Track changes: off Word count: 1205 How do you keep in touch with people in your life these days? Do you text them? Facebook them? Skype them? Or like thousands of other people in today’s society do you tweet at them? Tweeting is essentially the simple idea of expressing your thoughts in short blips to whoever may chose to follow you. In my paper I will explain Twitter and its terminology more in depth while also explaining how kids my age, organizations…
used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. Hashtags: helping you find Student Affairs Tweets ° People use the hashtag symbol # before student affairs-related keywords in their Tweet to categorize those Tweets to show more easily in a Twitter Search. Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all other Tweets in that category. Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet. Hashtagged words that become very…