Trends And Main Group Metals Essay

Submitted By Ibrahim-Bholat
Words: 659
Pages: 3

Ibrahim Bholat (3)
Period 6
Lab Station #5
I. Purpose
The purpose of the lab is to show correlation of activity and trends.
II. Data Tables

III. Graph (On Separate Graph Paper)

IV. Calculations
Percent Error:
|Approximate Value – Exact Value| / |Exact Value| X 100
Approximate Value: 5.3
Exact Value: 5.91
|5.3 – 5.91| / |5.91| X 100 = 1.13%
V. Questions
1. Which Group 1 metal, lithium, sodium, or potassium is most active? Cite your evidence.

Potassium is the most active because it flamed up. It is also lower in the group. This could be seen through the video of the alkali earth metals in water and on the periodic table.

2. Which group 2 metal, magnesium, or calcium is more active? Cite your evidence.
Calcium is the most active because when it was put in acid it heated up and released a lot of gas. It released so much gas that the acid raised up and leaked out of the top of the tube. This could be seen in my observations in the graph above.

3. Write a general statement that describes the periodic trend in metal activity down a group (vertical column) of the periodic table. Is this consistent with the trend for ionization energy? Why or why not?

As you go down a group of the periodic table, the metals tend to get more active. This is consistent because as you go down a group the ionization energy decreases because those elements give up an element much easier.

4. Which Period 3 metal, sodium or magnesium is more active? Which Period 4 metal, potassium or calcium is more active? Cite your evidence.

Sodium is more active than magnesium. Potassium is more active than calcium and sodium. This can be seen in my chart above and the periodic table also shows this trend.

5. Write a general statement that describes the periodic trend in metal activity across a period (horizontal column) of the periodic table. Is this consistent with the trend for ionization energy? Why or why not?

As you go across the period, the activity of the elements are less. This is consistent because the amount of ionization energy increases so the elements do not give lose an electron as easily.

6. The word “alkaline” is a synonym for base or basic (as in acid/base). Why is that word use to name the group 2 metals?

The alkaline earth metals are thermally tolerant. They need such a strong heat source to melt that they remain solid in fire. So they are very stable and basic in nature compared to other elements.