Traffic Accidents

Words: 5184
Pages: 21

ABSTRACT This paper represents the experiment of studying vehicle accidents based in a 3D virtual simulation environment. We will simulate a driver in a specific traffic scenario and the visualization of surrounding traffic. We will then collect data, evaluate and discuss the results. The information collected can then also help specialists like traffic engineers to investigate traffic situations that depend on the interaction between a driver and other objects in the environment. In our study, we have used a road simulation trial that was exposed to different genders and age groups in order to test our experiment across a broader crowd.

The departments of transport, road and safety department and insurance agencies were engaged in order to

Traffic engineers study the phenomenal of driving behavior through numerous methods. They present test volunteers with different scenarios. These may be in a form of an accident or a merging maneuver. Natural responses from the volunteers are then captured and analyzed to validate hypotheses about how drivers respond to different traffic situations. Behavioral studies have to be conducted by traffic engineers to honestly support these hypotheses (Gajananan, 2013). It is thus we decided to study the elementary causes influencing the different types of behavior in drivers on our roads.

Traffic engineers seldom study driving behavior in the real world although it is a fact that it is the most realistic environment. One of the reasons being that the real world is unpredictable. There are too many elements at play such as the weather and traffic conditions. Second reason is that the limited control can undermine the design of driver behavior

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Our research methodology is a mixture of the qualitative and quantitative research methodology. 3.1 Qualitative research methodology For the sake of getting the correct number of accident events we had to make phone calls and conduct interviews with the relevant parties. A representative of the department of transport and the road safety awareness campaign have been interviewed. The arrive alive campaign has also embarked on simulation models for their own research and have made a lot of progress in determining some of the root causes of road