Traffic Prevention Measures

Words: 1858
Pages: 8

Transportation engineering or services have been implemented everywhere civilization has found the need and use of land as a means that links thousands of people and locations. The ever increasing population in the co-operate world, the increasing number of high income earners, the increasing need to be mobile and independent has contributed to the increased number of people buying personal vehicles thus increasing the number of vehicles on the road. As much as transportation services such as roads have had and continue to be beneficial for both the transportations of people and goods, the down side to this has been accidents have resulted from a number of factors. With reference to the Western Cape Province, the N2 and R300 have been identified
Of this 2726 were accidents caused by pedestrians, 1697 were accidents caused by motor vehicles, 225 were accidents caused by motor cyclist and the remaining 103 accidents were caused by cyclists. Clearly we can deduce from the figures that 57% of accidents, this being the leading contributing factor caused by pedestrians, followed by 36% being motor vehicles, 5% being motor cyclist and the least accident contributor being cyclists with a percentage contribution percentage of 2%. The need to address this matter of accidents over this period of time must have been addressed with the implementation of traffic prevention measures. This article will further discuss causes and possible contributing factors of accidents, as well as measures that could be introduced to reduce the number of occurring accidents.Some pedestrians and drivers get preoccupied by outside activities that are not associated to the driving scenario, for example on the sidewalk, in the sky or even advert signs or inside activities such as a cell phone ringing or a cell phone conversation or conversations with passengers and even concerns about one’s facial appearance (make-up or
Therefore it is highly recommended that car service and maintenance be done on a regular basis more especially to remember to requested that components such as the clutch be properly serviced for the easy of gear changing in manual vehicles. In this way motorists can have their full attention on the activities on the road rather than being distracted or frustrated by the difficulty in gear changing due to the incapacity for the clutch to engage into or out of gear. A roadway’s design may cause accidents by making it difficult for drivers to see other vehicles thus posing dangerous pinch points, presenting hazardous obstacles for motorists or increasing receptiveness to weather conditions. The road alignment such as long stretches of road passes on high cliffs, which may cause vehicles to move out of line or lane due to sharp sudden turns that do not allow enough reactions time for motorists to adjust to the change in the alignment.Poor road maintenance may result in accidents that in turn would be cause by potholes, accumulated debris on the road surface, fading of road signs, overgrown vegetation that obstruct the line of sight of drivers.Bad weather may cause slippery road surfaces which may reduce vehicles’ tyres ability to have proper grip of the road. Also other drivers’ reaction to the weather