Thrust: Water and Mass Times Acceleration Essay

Submitted By matthewjk7
Words: 502
Pages: 3

Thrust is a Must!
The Study of Increasing a Water Rocket's Performance by Increasing the Density of Water (m dot = D * V * A ) Mass flow rate = density times velocity times area of nozzle. This equation explain how to find the mass flow rate( m dot) which is the thrust that is exerted out of the water rocket for (F= (mv)dot ). By changing either one of the variables the outcome (m dot) will change, this project focuses on changing the density (D) of this project in order to have an increased thrust (m dot). Thrust is a mechanical force which is generated in a bottle rocket if a gas or working liquid in this case water needs to be expelled out of the bottle resulting in the rocket to go in the opposite direction. Force is a change in momentum of an object with a change in time and in order to find it force = mass times acceleration. In order to find momentum it is the object's mass times the velocity. So in order to measure the force in between the two times from when it launched and when the force is ended( F = ((m * V)2 - (m * V)1) / (t2 – t1) ) basically Force = mass times velocity times 2 minus mass times velocity times 1 divided by time 2 minus time 1. However if the mass is kept constant and only the velocity changes in time then finding force is much easier, for force= mass times acceleration (F=m*a). Changing the density of the liquid theoretically would increase the thrust there for increasing the height the rocket went. For every 2 liters 737 grams of salt was added into water to create the salt water used in this experiment. Water's density is 1 gram per cubic centimeter, while salt is 2.17 grams per cubic centimeter, in order to find the density of the salt water the equation D = m/v (density = mass divided by volume) was used. 2 liters is 2000 grams of water, now adding this to 737 grams of salt, 2