Through Interactions With Others And Wider World Essay

Submitted By sarahhim
Words: 1046
Pages: 5

An individual’s interaction with others and the world around them can enrich or limit their experience of belonging

Through interactions with others and wider world, individual’s experiences of belonging can be enriched or limited. This is evident in the film “Strictly Ballroom” by Baz Lurhmann (1992), through characters varied experiences of belonging within the ballroom community. Similarly, in Miss Brill, a modernist text by Katherine Mansfield (1922), the protagonist experiences a sense of belonging and not belonging through her interactions with others and the wider world.

An individual’s sense of belonging can be enriched by their interactions with others and the wider world. This is explored in the two texts, “Strictly Ballroom” by Baz Lurhamnn and Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield. Admittedly, in Lurhmans “Strictly Ballroom” Fran enriches Scotts sense of belonging within the Spanish community when Scott is taught to dance the pasa doble. Fran’s family mirrors the diegetic thumping on Scott’s chest in the rhythm of a heartbeat as they begin the motif of clapping. The authentic, red lighting is symbolic of the Spanish communities passion; which is reiterated through the extreme close up shot of Scott’s feet elucidating his acceptance into the passionate and vibrant Spanish community. Therefore underscoring how the wider world can enrich individual’s sense of belonging. Similarly, in Miss Brill, the protagonist feels a sense of connection with parker goers, as she believes they are all part of a play repetitively stating she is an “actress”, further elucidating how the wider community has enriched her sense of belonging. Comparably, in “Strictly Ballroom” Scott enriches Fran and his own relationship seen when they dance to “Time after time”, a diegetic romantic ballad signifying their developing connection. This progression of time and identity, underscored through the symbolic removal of Fran’s glasses, a barrier to belonging, and the setting of the scene- a clash of two cultures represented through the neon Coca-cola sign and the Hills Hoist clothesline, represents the positive influence interactions with others can have. Ultimately demonstrating the influence others can have on enriching individuals sense of belonging.

The positive influence of others and the wider world on individual’s sense of belonging is further explored in both texts. Miss Brill believes she would be missed if she had not been at the park, evident through her positive tone and stream of consciousness, “No doubt somebody would have noticed if she hadn’t been there”, ultimately portraying Miss Brill’s perceived ability to enrich the community. Alternatively in “Strictly Ballroom” Doug’s interaction with Scott enables both characters to overcome personal barriers to belonging, ultimately enriching their relationship with themselves and the wider world. This is evident when Doug warns Scott in an assertive tone, “to not live his life in fear”. Doug and Scott’s close proxemics, and the echo of the diegetic warning elucidates how Scott and Doug have finally accepted each other and ultimately developed a strong sense of belonging. Ultimately individuals have the ability to enrich people’s sense of belonging.

An individual’s sense of belonging can be limited by their interactions with others and the wider world. This is explored in the texts, “Strictly Ballroom” by Baz Lurhamnn and Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield. Admittedly, in Lurhmans “Strictly Ballroom” Scott feels confined by the artificial and conformist ballroom community. The hyperbolized community is represented by highly stylised costumes, dramatic makeup and large smiles. The use of close up shots highlights Scott’s negative emotions when he says in an assertive tone “I just want to dance my own steps”. Through Scotts inability to express his individuality and belong to himself, it is evident how his sense of belonging was limited by the ballroom community. In contrast, Miss Brill