Abc Model of Crisis Intervention: How To Obtain A Prevention? Essay examples

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The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention
Prevention and Crisis Intervention; Unit 5

The ABC model of crisis intervention is a method created by Gerald Caplan and Eric Lindemann in the 1940s. The purpose of this crisis intervention method is to conduct a brief mental health interviews with clients whose functioning level has been lowered following a stressful precipitating event. The ABC model is a problem-focused approach and has been known to work best when applied within 4 to 6 weeks of the stressor. The ABC model of crisis intervention uses a three-stage approach to problem solving. This method allows a counselor to (A) build a rapport with the client, (B) identify the client’s perceptions and cognitions of the precipitating

There was slight previous mention of some of the questions which may come along with the ethical considerations; however, there is more to ethical considerations. These ethical concerns must be addressed with every single client. The best approach is to weave these questions into the normal flow of conversation so that the client does not feel as though they are accusations. These checks must be made because in the heat of a crisis, it is possible that people may think irrationally. Some of the ethical concerns include a suicide check, because people in crisis are vulnerable, confused and overwhelmed and sometimes suicide just seems like the easy answer. Homicidal and abuse issues also must be assessed at this time. It is always a counselor or mental health workers duty to report any suspicion of this kind of activity. Organic or medical concerns are one of the other ethical considerations which must be addressed in the second stage. This includes making evaluations about any mental health or behavioral disorders as well as making any necessary referrals (Kanel, 2007). The last stage of the ABC model is helping the client cope with the precipitating event. In the beginning of this stage, the counselor should sum up the problem and ask the client how they have coped with it up to this point. Finding out what the client has done up to this point is very helpful to them because it gives them a chance to see what