The Solar System Essay examples

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Pages: 6

Spiral Galaxies- definition:a galaxy with a nuclear bulge in the center with very distinctive arms. composition: have very swirly arms, with a bright bulge in the center of it all, and with of course clusters of stars like any other galaxy
Elliptical Galaxies- definition:a spherical or elongated galaxy with a bright center and very little dust and gas composition: some flat like an egg, others ball-shaped and also made up of mainly old stars with very few young ones

Irregular Galaxies- definition:a galaxy that does not fit into any other catergory; one with an irregular shape compared to others composition: odd shape(hence name IRREGULAR) mainly composed of mainly hydrogen and helium with lack of metal

Protostar: a cloud of interstellar gas and dust that gradually colapses, forming a hot dense core, and evolves into a star once nuclear fusion can occur into the core

Main Sequence Star: a major grouping of stars that forms a relatively narrow band from the upper left to the lower right when plotted acording to luminosity and surface temperature on the hetzsprung-russel diagram

Red Giant Star- description:a yellow-orange star surounded by gas clouds size:0.3-8 White Dwarf Star- description: a very light blue white washed color size:1.4 Red Dwarf Star- description: a light red color with hot yellow spots in them size: as low as 0.075
Neutron Star- description: a very odd colored star with various colors such as purple red yellow orange and blue size:1.4-3.2 Blue Giant Star- description:a blue star with rays coming out of hole areas of the star and a hint of white size: Yellow Star- description; a yellow star with a layer over of thin gasess hardly vissible size: no particular size all are different

Mercury- appearence:very brownish greyish planet with craters, very rocky composition:made of mainly iron, rocky surface,with many craters by asteroid and comet impacts mass: 3.3022x10kg volume:60,827,208,742 km density:5.427 g/cm distance from sun-35,980,000 miles
*takes about 59 days to rotate (in earth days) rotates counter clock wise, west to east

Venus- appearence: a small rocky planet covered in lava flows, with craters on the surface venus is very bright known as morning and evening star compostion: volcanic lava, rock, carbon dioxide taking up most of venus atmosphere with the rest being nitrogen, and a very thick layer over of poisonous clouds made of sulfuric acid. believed to have iron in the core like earth mass: 4.8685x10kg volume: 928,415,345,893km density: 5.24 g/cm distance from sun-67,240,000
*it takes 243 earth days, it rotates clockwise also known as retrogade rotation, the opposite of earths rotation direction

Earth- appearence: blue(water), brown because of the land or green in this case as how they show it on tv, and white cause of the clouds in the sky composition: it has a core made of iron, a mantle of rock,and all these minerals. our atmosphere containining nitrogen,oxygen, and a mix of other gases. also hydrogen oxygen(h2o) mass:5.9736x10kg volume: 1.0832073x10km density:5.52 g/cm
* it takes 23 hours 56 minutes to rotate, i would say 24 hours but i wanted to be more specific, it rotates on its Y axis.

Mars- appearence:bright orange, kinda red with volcanoes. also very rocky composition: mainly made of rock and iron. the surface civered in ice caps and dried river beds(book)very dry like a desert and red due to iron oxide in the dusty surface mass: 6.4185x10kg volume:163,115,609,799km density:3.94g/cm
*it takes 23minutes and 56minutes but 24 hours and 37 minutes in mars also rotates on its Y axis

Jupiter- appearence:it has a striped appearence with mixed colors of grey brown and orange.and a large red spot the size of earth composition: made of rock, metal, hydrogen, and helium. its atmosphere is 89.8% hydrogen with a bit of methane and amonia in its system