The Scarlet Letter
“The Scarlet Letter” is set in Puritan times when morals and beliefs greatly affected daily existence and people’s belief structure. The functional physical setting of “The Scarlet Letter” is to both foreshadow what will come and relate to the actual events occurring. For example, in the beginning of the story, the cemetery can represent the negativity in the following scene where Hester is made fun of at the scaffold. The forest represents evil because it is where witch meeting are held. Daylight symbolizes truth and reality for Hester because it is when her and Pearl have to face all the judgment as a result of the sin Hester committed. At certain points in the story, the night symbolizes peace for Hester because it was the only time her wild daughter Pearl was calm and asleep.
In my opinion, yes “The Scarlet Letter” is an early feminist novel. If Hester had been a man, I don’t feel she would have received the same punishment or torture. I feel like if she was a guy the towns people would not have been as hard on her and she wouldn’t have had to worn the scarlet letter. Typically, people are more judgment and harder on women than they are on men. Especially in times back then, women had barely any rights or freedoms. Women are usually looked down on more in society. Rather than just outing Dimmesdale’s secret, Chillingworth decided to screw with his head instead. Chillingworth could have just revealed Dimmesdale’s secret but that would have been not as fun as torturing him. It made him happy to see Arthur suffer. Hester thought that Roger Chillingworth was dead, that is why the sin of adultery was committed. So throughout majority of the story, Arthur Dimmesdale didn’t even know that Chillingworth was Hester’s husband. Chillingworth basically lives for revenge and suffering
English III 1st Period The Symbolism of The Scarlet Letter Have you ever read a book with lots of symbolism? Did you notice there was one symbol the author went to great extents to represent to the reader? The Scarlet Letter is a well known book that has been read for many generations. It is one of those books that has lots of symbolism but has one primary symbol that is concentrated on throughout the book. This major symbol is a scarlet letter A. This letter is worn by a young girl that has committed…
Mini-Report #2 (The Scarlet Letter Motif) In chapters nine through sixteen, Hawthorne alternates the meaning of the scarlet “A” from adultery to able. The letter now symbolizes Hester’s strength and ability. Metamorphosis says that the townspeople who once condemned her now believed her scarlet "A" to stand for her ability to create beautiful needlework and for her unselfish assistance to the poor and sick (Metamorphosis online). During this section of “The Scarlet Letter,” Hester begins to be…
of the Letter in The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter includes many profound and important symbols. This device of symbolism is portrayed well in the novel, especially through the scarlet letter "A". The "A" is the best example because of the changes in the meaning throughout the novel. In the beginning of the novel, the scarlet letter "A" is viewed as a symbol of sin. The middle of the novel is a transition period, where the scarlet letter…
"No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true." Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a fabulous book, in which he titled “The Scarlet Letter.” Many problems were told of, but the main one being the crime of adultery. The woman, Hester Prynne, who committed the crime is said to be the protagonist of the novel. Though there have been many debates on who the antagonist is of the book, there is only one…
Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter is a figure of shame and sin. Hester is looked down upon and shunned by the townspeople because she's has committed adultery. She is forced to wear the letter "A" to tarnish her reputation. Hawthorne's attitude toward Hester is different from the rest of the townspeople because of the way her presents her and finishes the story. As the novel continues the meaning of the scarlet letter changes from adulterer to able, adding to Hawthorne's true view of Hester Prynne…
The Scarlet letter essay We have all been in troubling times in our lives some worse then others. Life is like a roller coaster it has it's ups and downs and if you've said you haven't had any bad times you probably lying well, In this story there is a girl who puts up with a lot of negativity in a town having a guilt trip put on her and this story is called The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne uses the character Hester to illustrate that guilt impacts humans mentally and physically…
Hester Prynne may come off as a unrepentant, careless mother in the book "The Scarlet Letter". Many readers find her arogant but Hester is misunderstood and judged by the others. Hester Prynne is a good mother to her daughter Pearl. Hawthorne makes Hester an underdog in the book, which puts a target on her back when she sins. She is loving towards her daughter and considers her a treasure. Hester has been through so in the novel because of this sin but she continues to stick by Pearls side. Multiple…
A simple letter of the alphabet transforms into a symbol of sin, shame, and identity in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlett Letter. In the Scarlet letter, as a punishment for the crime of adultery, Hester becomes forced to wear the scarlet letter A for the duration of her life. In Puritan Boston, which the story sets, the town considers adultery an ignominious act. In the romance The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses diction, and point of view to create a critical and analytical tone in order…
The Scarlet Letter LIT 331 Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a true American novel that dove into the complexities of Puritan and early American society; it was called The Scarlet Letter. In this novel it discussed the hard times of Hester Prynne, the main character as well as her secret lover Reverend Dimmesdale. The novel addresses their trials and tribulations of their love affair, their child Pearl and multiple symbols used to discuss identity of one’s self, along with the…
and husband of Hester Prynne, experiences exile in both helpful and hurtful fashions. His involvement with exile paints the picture for the way that Nathaniel Hawthorne describes the Puritan community as “the city upon a hill.” Throughout “The Scarlet Letter,” there are multiple instances where Chillingworth faces and ultimately suffers through separation. These occasions include when he returns home to Boston and realizes what Hester has done in Chapter Three, when Chillingworth and Arthur Dimmesdale…