"No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true." Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a fabulous book, in which he titled “The Scarlet Letter.” Many problems were told of, but the main one being the crime of adultery. The woman, Hester Prynne, who committed the crime is said to be the protagonist of the novel. Though there have been many debates on who the antagonist is of the book, there is only one main antagonist. Because of the slyness, the evil personality, and the revenge seeking, Roger Chillingworth is the antagonist of the book.
Firstly, the antagonist of the book is Chillingworth because of his sneakiness and slyness. Amidst the problems Hester is having, no one realizes what Chillingworth is doing. For one, he is hiding his true identity. He tells Hester to actually not reveal what is actual identity is to anyone in the town. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to be associated with an adulterer, or maybe this is where his sneakiness tricks everyone. This is when he starts trying to use his slyness to figure out who the father of Pearl is. His name change and different identity allows him to go through the town without anyone knowing who he actually is. Secondly, he hides his motives from everyone in the town. While he plays it off very well that he just wonders who the father is, when he finds out, that’s when he plans his revenge on that man. If no one knows why he really wants to know who the father is, they can’t stop him from doing whatever he does to that person. Chillingworth uses his sneakiness to his advantage in the book, while also making himself the antagonist.
Secondly, the antagonist of the book is Chillingworth because of his evil personality. While Hawthorne never directly talks about Chillingworth’s evil personality, it’s there. The first sign of his sinister personality is when he is described physically. His twisted, stooped, deformed shoulders mirror his distorted soul. Chillingworth's physical description immediately brings to mind an evil man, much like the evil characters of fairy tales whom are described of as being ugly and of having piercing eyes, all of which describe Chillingworth. Another sign of his personality, is the way Hawthorne talks about Hester’s and his marriage. From what the reader is given, Chillingworth, in his early years with Hester, was an intolerable husband. He ignored his wife for much of the time, yet expected her to nourish him with affection when he did decide to spend time with her. From the beginning of the book, indirectly, Hawthorne gives little details about Chillingworth’s personality.
Lastly, Chillingworth is the antagonist because of his need to seek revenge. What once began for Chillingworth as an act of vengeance, slowly transformed into a life of
The Scarlet letter essay We have all been in troubling times in our lives some worse then others. Life is like a roller coaster it has it's ups and downs and if you've said you haven't had any bad times you probably lying well, In this story there is a girl who puts up with a lot of negativity in a town having a guilt trip put on her and this story is called The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne uses the character Hester to illustrate that guilt impacts humans mentally and physically…
Joana Leung 3̊ Harper The Scarlet Letter Essay 10.13.2012 Hawthorne portrays Hester’s sin of adultery as less critical to emphasize the hypocrisy of the Puritan society. For instance, the Puritans claim to put their faith into the Bible; however, they do not follow the moral codes they advocate themselves. Likewise, Hester’s sin of committing adultery is taken more severely than Chillingworth’s search for revenge. Furthermore, Dimmesdale, the most hypocritical…
The Scarlet Letter Essay Throughout the story, three main characters were analyzed. These characters were Hester, Chillingworth and Dimmesdale. The way in which Hawthorne had written The Scarlet Letter, was through using symbolic nature to personify what the character actually represented. He made sure to add intricate details throughout the story, describing every aspect of the character. From personality to looks to actions and anything that made up the character, was shown with the smallest…
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Jessica Gee 11/1/12 English 11 The Scarlet Letter: Essay 1 In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, there are many heroes. Many acts of courage and loyalty were done in the novel, and there are four main people who I think are the heroes in the story. Hester Prynne is the main hero since she is so loyal and Dimmesdale is a hero for his because of his bravery. Lastly, Chillingworth is the tragic hero of the story in my opinion. The villain to me was the Puritan society as a whole. All of…
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in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. After the death of his father due to the Yellow Fever epidemic, he was raised with his two sisters by a single mother. As a writer, Hawthorne produced many pieces including House of Seven Gables. However, The Scarlet Letter, written near the end of his career, is thought to be his Magnum Opus. In relation to the novel, Hawthorne not only lived in the same general area as his characters, but also under many of the same circumstances. His upbringing by a single…
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of the Letter in The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter includes many profound and important symbols. This device of symbolism is portrayed well in the novel, especially through the scarlet letter "A". The "A" is the best example because of the changes in the meaning throughout the novel. In the beginning of the novel, the scarlet letter "A" is viewed as a symbol of sin. The middle of the novel is a transition period, where the scarlet letter…
and husband of Hester Prynne, experiences exile in both helpful and hurtful fashions. His involvement with exile paints the picture for the way that Nathaniel Hawthorne describes the Puritan community as “the city upon a hill.” Throughout “The Scarlet Letter,” there are multiple instances where Chillingworth faces and ultimately suffers through separation. These occasions include when he returns home to Boston and realizes what Hester has done in Chapter Three, when Chillingworth and Arthur Dimmesdale…