The Pros And Cons Of Utilitarianism

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Pages: 9

As humans we are confronted with situations that test our strength of morality and character. There is always a grey area posing difficulty in resolving the dilemma between right and wrong. According to John Rowan, states a moral theory is a device to justify the action or rule ethically justified. It gives clarity of vision in deciding an action whether right, wrong or permissible. ( Pg 123,Rachels, James 2003,)
In 2012 Dr Susan Lim was found guilty on 94 charges of professional misconduct by Singapore Medical Committee’s Disciplinary Committee for charging $24million for services rendered by her and other doctors through her for 110days to a Bruneian royal client. She was awarded 3years of suspension and $10,000 fine. The committees ground was Doctor should not charge more

In this case Dr Susan being a leading and famous doctor her peers and junior looked upon her as a leader. Both historically and fundamentally she had the moral duty of upholding the ethical obligation in society as she was bestowed the role model of 21st century. Even from earlier days the professional association and medical licensing bodies held that the trust was high when good leadership was exerted, when leadership failed trust fell.(proquest ) The other point is utilitarianism is used in defense of free market on grounds it theoretically maximizes welfare. It’s the high level precision and sophistication. The critique of Rebecca Chew in Dr Lim vs SMC case transparency in pricing should lessen legal intervention since patients choose over charging doctors fully aware and intentionally when cheaper alternatives being available.(SMJ,V 56(7)2015). Distributive justice and fairness also has to be looked into, in relation to this case only few got the benefits not the majority. How do you measure happiness, it varies with person circumstance action culture