The Pros And Cons Of Millennials

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Pages: 7

On the first day of of high school seniors are already dying to graduate, the lazy juniors are preparing for the most difficult year academically, tiny sophomores are just glad they're not freshmen anymore, and poor little freshmen are beyond nervous to be thrown into a whirlwind of chaos. These are all preconceived ideas of how the first day of school is for all for age groups. These preconceived ideas are called stereotypes and misconceptions. Stereotypes are a widely believed mental picture of someone's physical attributes. While misconceptions are just assumptions. People born between 1989 - 2000 are called millennials. Millennials are labeled as some of the harshest stereotypes and misconceptions than previous generations that came before
If a group acts a certain way, it is the truth and sometimes the sad truth. Lenora Billings Harris, explained in her article But Stereotypes Are Based on a Truth Aren’t They?, “Degree of Truth, however there is probably someone in the group who fits the stereotype. The challenge is to acknowledge that individuals without generalizing individual Behavior or characteristics.” And misconceptions come from? It's no secret Millennials love their phone and social media. This is due to growing up in an upcoming technological age. If Millennials grew up with it, it's all they know, and it makes them comfortable. This also gives them the image of being materialistic. The Stereotype of putting ourselves first is most definitely the truth we are in courage to chase our dreams yet when we do were labeled the selfish generation. Millennials are also labeled as socially incompetent and don't like the idea of marriage. Millennials were raised with Rising divorce rates and broken homes so Millennials view marriage as if there are less likely to succeed. add to that, the increase in educational costs and debt, and Millennials feel less secure, which makes entering into what's considered a binding contract with their significant other less appealing. Kayla Lopez is a 22 year old full time student who attends College of the sequoias. Lopez is double majoring in Business Administration with
Misconceptions can lead to a narrow-minded and ignorant Society since people have already made up their minds about specific groups or people based on information that isn't true. so generally people do not take the time to understand who a person or group of people truly are. a common misconception with Millennials is that they are greedy. According to Deloittes fifth annual global Millennial survey, the study focused on millennial values and ambitions and found that Millennials preferred a people-focused sense of purpose rather than a personal gain. Although Millennials are generation of young adults chips, soda, and pizza are not on the menu at this time, Wellness is a huge part of the generation. It's become a trend to stay active and now the social media generation is more active than ever. Millennials are now using apps to track exercise data and searching for the most effective workout and eating plans. Study show Millennials are 24% healthier and diet plans and exercise 22% more than Baby Boomers. Lastly, Millennials are said to be financially illiterate. This then Translate into becoming dependent on their parents and not being able to become a homeowner. this has nothing to do with being lazy and willing to live at home. And her interview Kayla Lopez Express reviews on owning a home. She talked about how millennials living at home longer than other Generations due to the