The Importance Of Global Warming

Submitted By tylrr
Words: 1455
Pages: 6


Greenhouse Effect: the result of the sun's heat being trapped within the atmosphere rather than reflected out into space. This causes a significant increase in temperature. The greenhouse effect is a natural process. Without the atmosphere, the Earth's surface would be about 15*C cooler then it is now.
Enhanced Greenhouse effect: increased ability of the Earth's atmosphere to trap heat, warming the earth and the atmosphere.

Humans have contributed with high CO2 emissions. Such as
- burning of fossil fuels (oil and natural gases)
- changing land uses (cutting down and burning forests)
- Agricultural practices (producing methane and nitrous oxide)
Five different human activities contributing to GHG emissions into the atmosphere:
- burning of fossil fuels (oil and natural gases)
- changing land uses (cutting down and burning forests)
- Agricultural practices (producing methane and nitrous oxide)

Global Warming: describes the observable trend of rising world temperatures over the past century particularly during the last couple of decades. The average global surface temperature has warmed by about 0.74*C in the past 100 years. Scientists agree that this increase in temperature is due to human activities, especially burning of fossil fuels.
Climate Change: any change in the climate over time, whether due to natural processes or human activities. Evidence of the current change in our climate includes an increase in average global temperatures, ice melting in polar and mountain regions, rising sea levels and more extreme weather events. Global warming is causing climate change.
Fossil Fuels: fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, that come from the breakdown of organic matter. They have formed in the ground over millions of years.
Sustainability: The ability to be sustained. This means to keep up or to keep going as an action or process. eg.) cutting down a trees and growing back as quick as you cut it down (never ending supply)
Thermal Expansion: As the temperature rises due to global warming the water is warmed causing it expand and therefore, take up more space.
Carbon Cycle: The carbon cycle explains how carbon dioxide is added to and removed from the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide is exchanged by photosynthesis and respiration.
Carbon sinks are places or processes that absorb carbon dioxide and store it for periods of time. For example, oceans are vast amounts of carbon dioxide deep in the ocean floor.

3 causes of global warming:
- The burning of fossil fuels
- Deforestation
- The burning and removing of vegetation

3 international examples of evidence that global warming is a reality:
- The oceans warming
- melting of the ice
- rising average global temperature
What evidence is there that global warming is occurring in Australia: - Mountain tops melting
- Rising sea levels
- Warmer days
3 possible impacts of climate change on the tourist industry within Australia:
- The Great Barrier Reef would be destroyed
- Hotels on the beach front will be flooded because of rising sea level
- Increase in extreme weather events

How could climate change affect Dengue Fever transmission zones in Australia?

Thermal Expansion: As the temperature rises due to global warming the water is warmed causing it expand and therefore, take up more space

Permafrost: Permafrost is defined as ground (soil or rock and included ice or organic material) that remains at or below 0*C for at least two consecutive years.

IPCC: Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change

Possible impact of global warming on:
Cold mountain regions: The ice on top of the mountain would melt therefore they will not be cold anymore
Islands in the Pacific Region: Because they are low lying regions they would eventually go underwater because of e high rising sea levels.

What are some alternative forms of energy that are sustainable compared to fossil fuels?:
- Wind