I. Colonial Time (1607-1775) (7)
1.) Because of the strict guidelines and lack of personal liberty, certain people began rebelling against Puritan ideals; ultimately Puritanism ended up destroying itself.
a. Roger Williams was against forced religion and lead many of his Salem followers to Rhode Island. Here, all religions were tolerated and there was clear separation of church and state.
b. Anne Hutchinson and believed that the puritan ideal that the “saved” had to lead a proper life was foolish as the saved had already been saved. Hutchinson spoke out against the Boston minister John Wilson.
c. Restrictive membership resulted in a declination in followers. In New England they had to create the half-way covenant. Many of the more religious members of Puritan society rejected this plan as they felt it did not fully adhere to the church's guidelines.
d. Unrealistic goal of eradicating evil led to extreme movements Salem Witch Trials. The sheer amount of hangings invited many people to criticize the ideals of Puritanism.
e. Other faiths disliked Puritanism as it tried to destroy them. These faiths encouraged more people to leave Puritanism
2.) The Puritans of New England wanted a model society filled with social order and economic opportunity hence creating restrictive community with unhappy individuals. They were unsuccessful do to their strict guidelines.
a. The rule that no other religion was allowed invited people to dislike puritanism and leave.
b. People believed many of Puritan laws to keep order were economically restrictive and had to be repealed by the British Parliament
c. The city on the hill policy halted economic growth and people were stuck
d. People were not free and left the society to form their own governments
e. Native Americans disliked them because they ostracized them and tried to kill them.
3.) Because Britain did not intervene in most of the Colonial affairs, Americans gained almost total control over their own social and political institutions: salutary neglect
a. Britain allowed America to do what they wanted such as letting them settle further west.
b. The only situation that Britain intervened was Economic…but even still Americans could float around those navigation acts pretty easily
c. The colonies all had a governor as their leader and this governor was not necessarily pushing British views
d. The social hierarchies and slavery and servitude were not controlled by Britain and America was allowed to control those as they pleased.
e. Americans had many of their own forms of political documents that were not written by the British: the mayflower thing.
4.) Colonial America had unfree labor interspersed almost everywhere through apprentices, indentured servants, and slaves.
a. Apprentices were little children who would eventually get to earn in their profession.
b. Indentured servants were brought from Ireland and other poor areas and they were treated horribly. They were not paid with money but instead by stale bread
c. Slavery had begun by enslaving first poor white people and when this failed, the people went for Native Americans.
d. Native American slaves farmed the rice indigo and tobacco fields
e. Even the natives died, the Africans were brought in and did all the work. There were more black slaves in the Carolinas than people
7.) Because of the high rent and over population of England, people flocked to the America to look for better economic opportunity; religious freedom was an excuse given to the English rulers to be allowed to go to America
a. Indentured servants left Europe because they weren’t able to pay for a place to live.
b. There was no arable land left in Europe because the people had farmed it all, the stories of the huge land excited many individuals.
c. As the Americas would be some colonies, there wouldn’t be as much taxation (direct) and the people would have to give up half of their earnings (so they thought)
d. The people claimed to be coming to the
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