The Chase Essay

Submitted By zelica91
Words: 471
Pages: 2

Why do people need self-esteem?


* Who are we

* Social interactions and social existence itself depends on knowing who you and others are * Identity and self-conception underpins everyday life * Reflexive thought separates us from other animals, as we are able to think about our selves thinking.

William James (1892) Duality of self Self is a object that can be observed Self as object that can do observing

* What is Self-Esteem

(Define) * Our evaluation of ourselves good or bad * Feelings about evaluation of our self’s

(Describe) * People are generally motivated to maintain high levels of self-esteem and defend it when it comes under attack * People are strongly motivated to think well of themselves = self-enhance * High v Low = Emotionally stable/Unstable. Persuasive/unpersuasive. Thoughts consistent/Sketchy

Why do we use self – Esteem (Terror management theory/Death) * The obvious reason is because it makes you feel good * Solomon&Greenberg(1986) Terror management theory * TMT – Knowledge of death = powerful threat/ self-esteem is a part of defence against threats/ high self-esteem individuals can escape anxious situations/ feeling immortal happy about life. * Protect and shield/high self- esteem buffers the anxiety of death. *

(Social Acceptance) * Leary(1995) ‘High self-esteem shows that we are socially accepted not lonely and rejected’ * Self-esteem is part of a system which regulates acceptance and rejection by others. * Fuel Gauge Analogy- High self-esteem = valued and accepted by others/low self-esteem = perceive ourselves as rejected by others. * Because it is a good indicator of social acceptance and belonging * Leary(1995) Argues- having high self –esteem does not mean that we have conquered fear of death, but that we have conquered the threat of loneliness and social rejection. Evidence/Research

* Research suggest that people generally have a rosy sense of self, and that they look at life through rosy tinted glasses. *