The Advertising Technique Essay

Submitted By Thejackieoneill1
Words: 668
Pages: 3

was the first time they were allowed to advertise to consumers. They used an Olympic figure skater as the primary character within their commercials. Consumers then would request this medication, making doctors feel obliged to prescribe. The government and policymakers received large sums of money from the development company during the advertising phase and market introduction. When studies became public of Vioxx users being twice as susceptible to heart attacks, Dr. Kim recommended recalling the drugs due to the elevated risks for users as well as the lack of knowledge as to what was causing the heart attacks. There were mixed emotions for some stating that stronger warning labels should be used and that prescription was to be left for the doctor and patient’s assessment.

the advertising technique that was used was new to the pharmacutical industry and was through direct to consumer. consumers requested the medication so the doctors felt pbligated to prescrib it. The government and policymakers received large sums of money from the development company during the advertising phase and market introduction.

Government Regulators & Policymakers Seek the welfare of the public health Do not allow the companies to interfere with the healthcare system Minimize the influence of politics regarding healthcare decisions Pharmaceutical Companies Role of the researcher and manufacturer of the drugs.Inform the doctors for the drugs and their purpose (stress the risks). Focus on the wellbeing of the patients and not how to maximize profits Regulator of the actual prescriptions Prescribe drugs only if it is for the benefit of the patient Informatory and assertive role towards the patient Physicians Patients Do not be passive recipients Be well informed about their conditions and the available treatments Be frank with their physician about their condition
The best ways for society to protexct consumers of prescriopton medicenes would be to clearly state the possible complications that the use may cause, use no direct promotion to the patients, have informational and factual ads to keep te public updated for the new drugs entering the market, and do not be passive. Government regulators and policymakers should seek the welfare of the public health and not allow the companies to interfere with the healthcare system. Also, they should minimize the influence of politics regarding healthcare decisions.

How should the present system be changed, if at all, to better protect patients? Do not succumb to forces of the market that may obstruct the welfare of the patients The FDA should not be influenced by politics / political parties Limit or control lobbying and contributions Change how the patent system