Test 1: Leadership Management Essay

Words: 1086
Pages: 5

1Chapter 1
- A boss by definition usually has position power over subordinates. True
- A factor common to the leadership classification systems is the view of leadership as a process of influence. True
- According to Burns, followers should remember that their leaders are above them and act accordingly. False
- An individual perceived by other group members as influential can only be an assigned leader, not an emergent one. False
- Followers usually are responsible for maintaining the relationship with leaders. False
- Kotter argues that managerial and leadership functions are really quite similar. True
- Leaders who use coercion are generally mostly interested in their own goals, rather than those of subordinates. True

- The skills approach is not descriptive. False
- The skills approach is relatively new and has not been widely used in training and development. True
- The skills approach suggests that many individuals have the potential for leadership. True

Chapter 4
- According to Blake and Mouton, the “authority-compliance manager” is highly concerned with people and has little concern for results. False
- According to the Leadership Grid, opportunistic leaders rely primarily on the 5,5 style of leadership. False
- Assisting group members in building cohesiveness is primarily a task behavior. False
- In the Leadership Grid, a person who uses but does not integrate the 1,9 and 9,1 styles of leadership could be called a “benevolent dictator.” True
- In the Leadership Grid, the 9,9 type of leader prefers the middle ground, soft-pedals disagreement, and swallows convictions in the interest of progress. False
- The style approach has been validated by a wide range of studies. False
- The style approach has failed to identify a universally effective leadership style. False
- The style approach is not heuristic. False
- The style approach suggests that leadership cannot be explained by any list of personality traits. True

Chapter 5
- According to Situational Leadership, D3 subordinates may be highly skilled but also lack commitment. True
- In SLII, delegating is ineffective with subordinates who are