Essay on Team Strategy

Submitted By V1C7OR
Words: 690
Pages: 3

When choosing a strategy to form teams, Riordan Manufacturing must consider the team characteristics as a whole. Managers must first determine what characteristics they desire the team to have so that the team fits well in the job they need to accomplish. Managers must make sure that they select personnel that are capable of assuming leadership role responsibilities within the team. For example, when decisions need to be made within the team, managers must make sure they select personnel that are already in a leadership role therefore, those that are not in a leadership role cannot easily resist the decisions being made. Managers also want to ensure that they select personnel with the required expertise. Managers may select personnel by reviewing current training files that are on record on making a list of personnel that qualify for the assigned job. Manager may conduct brief interviews so that they may discuss the individual’s qualifications but at the same time get a better assessment of the employee.

Like in and team that is being created, there are certain barriers that may arise. The team was created from employee from different location or departments to accomplish a certain task. Therefore, the team may encounter personality clashes. Managers may address this issue before it even arises if when conducting interview and training record reviews they ensure they select personnel with compatible personalities if possible. Role clarity could be another barrier that may be encountered. The team must ensure that each member understands what their role within the team is. This will help the team accomplish what they are tasked with. Another barrier that may arise is not having the experienced personnel needed for the job. To address this issue, managers must properly review all training records and conduct thorough interviews of the employees. Doing this may help managers determine and select personnel that can be easily cross-trained in the task that needs to be accomplished.

As a measure to evaluate if the team is operating successfully, managers may assess the team by conducting a survey of the team. Rating forms may be completed by team members and leaders. The individual employee responses could help managers determine if there is an issue with team empowerment, communication, productivity, and morale. Managers could also establish performance measures that must be met. For example, goals that must be met could be established.

The conflict management strategy that I believe is most appropriate for the situation is the Compromising Strategy. As a manager I would individually talk to the employees involved. My initial assessment of the situation was that we were facing a “he said, she said” type of situation. After talking to both employees and both denying any wrong doing, I would recommend the employees come to an agreeable solution