Essay about Student: Wii and Example

Submitted By RSL1995
Words: 1435
Pages: 6

Principles of Systems Analysis

A System analysis is a really important process to help companies develop their working practices, they help them in order for them to survive, grow and increase productivity. A system analyst can help provide solutions for future problems that may arise whilst implementing the new system or even problems that will occur if they don’t adjust their current systems. The reason that this has to happen is because a system can’t stay flawless and last forever, for example.
The current system may no longer be suitable for its purpose the software on the current system may be too old and may not be able to support some new features that may help the user progress in tasks more quickly. The current maintenance contract may increase cost to keep the system in use; each system has a life cycle. All systems will need to be reviewed, modified or replaced because a system does not last forever.

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The current system may be too inflexible or expensive to maintain, or may reduce the organisations ability to respond quickly enough to customers’ demands. For example if it is an old system and there are only a few people that know how to fix the system then it will put extra unnecessary costs on the business, these are called legacy systems.
Better management information is required for decision-making - companies using databases to store things because before databases on computers where invented they used to have to work out everything on paper but now excel and access have easy tools to summarise and analyse large amounts of data. Management can make decisions from reports and queries that have been made.

The provision of better customer service, this is such things like keeping a system up to date for the user, for example a website I use a lot relies on feedback from their customer to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the outcome. When the system is upgraded and the customer service is upgraded this could be done by making the web more accessible to help the customer, there may be more operators for support. You can access your history to see what products you have purchased, can also make your details quicker and easier to get hold of.
Technological developments may have made the current system redundant or out-dated - All Businesses need to develop in the current time, because there are more and more companies becoming bankrupt, taken over or almost going into administration. This is entirely due to the internet and increase in broadband speed, because now there are plenty of different ways that people can just stay at home and get their products, and shops such as Blockbusters almost went bankrupt until they were bought out, this is because people don’t want to go to the shop to buy or rent movies and games, when all this is possible without going out your room. Companies like LOVEFILM and Netflix are the main reasons why Blockbuster can’t compete anymore.

All systems need to be change/ modified due to Business Key Drivers. Some of these are explained below:

Need for Growth
A lot of companies nowadays feel the need to expand their companies and business, mainly to survive in this day and age, for example there are multiple different companies around the world merging together to make their company stronger and more popular than their competition which will eventually lead in bigger profits. An example of this is Samsung, the leading company at the moment for mobile phones, but that is not only what they are known for anymore, because of how tough it is to survive in the current climate for business, they are forced to maybe sell other items, for example Samsung sell all sorts of things from, TV’s and phones which they are most commonly known. Another example of a company that sell different types of things are Red bull, they