Stigmas: Psychology and highly Creative Thinking Essay

Submitted By edgaraav22
Words: 538
Pages: 3

Astorga Edgar
Instructor: Edwards
Psychology 101
24 September 2014

The differences in gender cognition is actually quite tiny. Psychologist Shibley studies differences and she says that although there are a few physical characteristics on which both genders are different, the difference in cognition is small. But some of the few examples of how they can be different include school and homework. Research done by Hedges and Nowells stated that girls were better at writing and reading while boys were better in science and math. It also stated that girls get better grades in all subjects since they have a more effortful nature to their work, resulting better learning strategies. When thinking about the biological difference, some data shows that the difference can be shown in hormonal factors. While others indicate difference in brain structure and growth.

When thinking about the differences in the social factors of males and females, one must consider the household the gender lives in. One social factor could be that parents influence the difference in genders. For example, parents influence by expecting that boys do better in math than girls. Since that happens girls lack the drive to achieve in math and sciences. Another example could be that parents often label the achievements in math for boys a natural talent, while for girls they label it as hard working. Giving the thought that men are naturally smarter than girls gives the girls a lower chance at succeeding in such academics.
It is shown that in the brain highly creative thinking and not so highly creative thinking differs in activity from one hemisphere to the other. It was shown that highly creative thinking showed activity and used both hemispheres of the brain. Then it was shown that while on non creative thinking the activity in the brain would merge and stay in the left side on the brain or the left hemisphere. Creative thinkers tend to be more of an independent type or thinkers, while intelligent ones tend to be more