Essay on Steriod Use

Submitted By stephg16
Words: 327
Pages: 2

Martha S Guerrero
English 2000
March 29 2012

Paragraph 5
Point: Some people think that steroid use is no big deal, but this is false. Many of young athletes are experimenting with this drug, and the U.S. Anti-Doping agency is seeing this as a threat to sportsmanship. It’s a criminal offense to use steroids without prescription.
Response: I believe that it is not okay to use steroids as an athlete. Its unfair to others competing and unnatural.

Paragraph 6
Point: There are major consequences after the use of steroids some examples are problems with liver and kidneys, reduced sperm count, and even heart attacks. Competitors should play equally with their normal bodies.
Response: All of the side effects are very dangerous because of the use of steroids and some can even cause death and they are unhealthy for teens.

Paragraph 7
Point: Many users are celebrities and there was a point in time when a majority of people would use them with an excuse that they looked “healthier.”
Response: I think it terrible that celebrities and famous athletes use steroids because those are the people many others look up too and they follow their steps. Paragraph 8
Point: Some say Canseco was using steroids under a physician’s care. He starts noticing differences in his body.
Response: I do not believe Canseco was using steroids with permission, I thinks its just a lie to cover him up. Steroids should have never been available to pharmacy shelves.

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