1. The population that the table refers to is men and women aged 16 or above.
2. The table refers to participants’ sex, age and physical activity (if any) 4 weeks prior to the survey. Physical activity is measured in the percentage of participants of each age group who participated in the respective physical activities 4 weeks prior to the time of the interview.
3. The percentages in the column total for men do not equal 100 because the total refers to the percentage of men that took part in each respective physical activity. The total to not add up to 100 because some participants may not have taken part in any physical activities and some may have taken part in more than one.
4. 1575 men played soccer 4 weeks prior to the interview.
5. There is no row in the table for female participation in soccer 4 weeks prior to the interview as less than 1% of women took part in this particular physical activity and at the bottom of the table it states that the table only includes activities which more than 1.0% of men and women participated in 4 weeks before the interview.
6. 2 Substantial differences between men and women’s participation rates are more men participated in snooker/pool/billiard (15%) and less than 1% of women participated in this physical activity. Another substantial difference between participation rates of physical activity between men and women is that more women (16%) took part in keep fit/yoga whereas only 7% of men took part in this activity.
7. One similarity between participation rates of men and women is that 31% of 20-24 year old men and women had the same percentage participation rates (31%) for walking 4 weeks prior to the time of the interview.
8. This quote is not necessarily true as the sample size of the women is unknown and the sample size of men aged 16-19 is also unknown. This means that it is untrue to say that 9% more men aged 16-19 walked than women aged 70 as the sample sizes will have to be the
Unit 3 Assigment: Football Stats Todd Lewis Kaplan University Online It 302 Human Computer Interaction Professor David Lecomte August 17, 2014 Assignment Template Unit 3 Football Season Stats Todd Lewis Part1 : Project Definition The idea of the project is to create a Post Week stat calculator based on the previous weeks of a players stats in the NFL. Meaning that it keeps track of stats based on position and player information. To give a better idea the project will break down QBs by completions…
Introduction The aim of this assignment is to see if male students are fitter then fmale students at Taminmin College. This will be done by collecting data such as: the resting pulse of three maths applications classes, their pulse after a minute of intense working out and the students pulse two minutes after their intense workout. This information will be used to measure each student’s level of fitness; fitness is measured by how quickly your heart rate drops after working out. The data will…
summary with what you have learnt in this course. You should also use E-Stat. Follow the link http://www.statcan.gc.ca/estat/licence-eng.htm to access E-Stat, and choose a category that is relevant to your articles. You should provide some evidence from the data on E-Stat that relate to the subject of your articles. It is sufficient to use E-Stat for only one of your articles. You can present the relevant data that you find on E-Stat in the text of your essay, in form of a graph, or as a table. Do not…
they do not buy the package from the bookstore, they can buy access from the WebAssign directly in their homework account, which would also include an ebook. They just would not have a hard copy. To get into the roster for the correct Section of Stat 51100 use the link below https://www.webassign.net/purdue/login.html Students have free access to WebAssign for 14 days so they can do their homework until they decide which way to go. Lecture Times: Tues, Thur Sec 003 at 10:30 am,…
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Critical Thinking Assignment #2 Learning Objective: 1. Students will develop a relevant research question. 2. Students will use PICO to understand Methods section of athletic training literature a. P – Patients b. I – Intervention c. C – Comparison d. O – Outcomes 3. Students will identify dependent and independent variables. Please answer the following questions based on the Introduction and Methods section provided for you in the EBP folder. Review…
Module 4: Assignment 2 Balancing Values Kristin M. Sims Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice CJA498-AUO R01 Instructor Jeff Cudworth May 8, 2014 “Over the last 30 years, the population of the federal prison system has increased exponentially-nearly 800 percent-largely due to the overrepresentation of those convicted of drug offenses, many of whom are low-level and non-violent. Today, a record 218,000 people are confined within the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)…
introductions that everyone has various interests, hobbies, backgrounds, degrees of affiliations that invariably make up the composition of each individual contributing to the uniqueness of each person’s character and individual make-up. Our reading assignment was based on evaluating the individual characteristics of employees and the effects that those individual characteristics has on organizational performance. It was extremely interesting to discuss how the influence of behavior have on organizational…
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Carleton University School of Mathematics and Statistics STAT 2606 C – Business Statistics I – FALL 2014 Instructor: Ahmed Almaskut, aalmasku@math.carleton.ca, HP 5218 Office Hours: Wednesday 4:30pm – 5:30pm, or by appointment. Lectures: Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday from 8:35am –9:55am in Southam Hall 416. Textbook: Business Statistics in Practice, Second Canadian Edition, Bowerman et al. Computer Labs: 3393 Herzberg Laboratories. Times vary according to your lab section. Prerequisites:…