Product Satisfaction In The Philippines

Words: 4846
Pages: 20

Product & Gender Count of Product Gender Product Female TM195 TM498 TM798 Grand Total Product & Marital Status Count of Product Marital Status Product Partnered Single TM195 48 TM498 36 TM798 23 Grand Total 107

Male 40 29 7 76 40 31 33 104

Grand Total 80 60 40 180

32 24 17 73

Grand Total 80 60 40 180

Product TM195
Education 14 15 14 12 13 14 14 13 Age 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 Income 29562 31836 30699 32973 35247 32973 35247 32973 Miles 112 75 66 85 47 66 75 85 Summary Tables One-­‐Way Summary Table Count Gender Gender Female Male Total

TM195 Categorical Variables

Marital Status Gender

50%-­‐50%. The marital status of 60% of the people who buy this treadmill model is "partnered". The age of the customers range between 18 and 50. The mean age of the customers is 29 years old, and most of the customers who would buy this model are in a range of age between 22 to 37 years old. The years of education of the customers range between 12 and 19. The mean years of education is 15, and the majority of the customers are in a range of years of education between 14 and 16. The customers' income range between $ 29,562 and $ 68,220, but the mean incomen of the customers is $46.418.03. Most of the customers have income that ranges between $37,000 and $57,000. The average