Socrates and Soul Essay

Submitted By Coolgirl64
Words: 1603
Pages: 7

Questions-Plato’s Phaedo

1. Whether Phaedo was with Socrates when he drank the poison or if he had heard it from someone else. “Phaedo, were you with Socrates when he drank the poison or did you hear about it from somebody else?” Mystery, death.
2. Philosopher, Socratic Method.
Maybe he had a different outlook on death and never knew what Socrates would do.
3. Myth about sacrificing youths
(14) to the Minotaur. Socrates would be a sacrifice, Phaedo would be Theseus
(survives), Minotaur would be death by poison, and labyrinth would be staying alive. No escape except death.
4. Not sure if he is happy or sad or both. Felt both also when he thought his friend was going to die.
5. No, he would have been a better person, not a better philosopher, because he used his reasoning and sent them away. Also, the body hinders the soul’s ability to philosophize.
6. If you pursue one and catch it you will then always virtually get the other. Pain and pleasure go hand in hand, everything has an opposite.
7. For him to cultivate the artsused to think it meant philosophy but now interprets it as art, poetry, and starts to compose and not disobey
8. Only the smartest people are philosophers and he practices it (why philosophy is the greatest art.)A poet should work on stories not written or spoken communication like philosophers.
9. To die; he may be soon in trouble and put to death because he is a philosopher; philosophers are supposed to be ready for death.
10. Unholy and that man are put in a lockup, one that they cannot release oneself and runaway. Also says must not put an end to yourself lest the gods think it necessary. Says it’s illogical that

philosophers wouldn’t grieve about dying, natural for wise to grieve when they die and reasonable for a man to remain with god.
11. That he was leaving the world far too readily, deserting a world in which he has kindly gods for his masters; Socrates believes that there is something in store for the dead and that he expects to be among the good men and divine masters.
12. Philosophers are directly preparing themselves for dying and death and that they have been looking forward to it all their lives; laughable because he’s saying that philosophers are half dead already, and normal people say death serves them right.

13. Death is the release of the soul from the body by itself when it’s released from the soul and the separate condition of the soul when released from the body; philosopher frees soul in a way that other men cannot. Reasonable since they are not as attached to worldly things.

14. Soul gets a clear view of reality during course of reasoning; soul can reason best when free from all distractions (hearing seeing.) 15. No, one must cut off all senses in order to see the truth.

16. Since the body wants so much there is not much leisure time and therefore not much time for philosophy because they’re one in the same.

17. They see the philosopher’s job is to free their soul from their body which is basically dying. Dissatisfied with body and want to be separated, but people who fuss about death are distressed because they are lovers of the body, money and class.

18. By facing their fear, they have become courageous; they exchange one fear for another. Philosophers do not exchange and don’t see death as a great evil; mastered art of purifying themselves through wisdom.

19. That the soul exists after death and that it retains some forms of intelligence [weather soul exists or not after death]; explains Socrates opposite and must prove that life is the opposite of death and from death comes life which means souls exist after death; Socrates.

20. To get this point across and thoroughly show Cebes in no way he will understand that souls to exist after death.

21. Opposites for opposites [whenever there is an opposite there is its opposites]; pleasure and pain are opposites and so he's