Essay about Social Activism Letter

Submitted By Reiley-Adams
Words: 379
Pages: 2

The Honorable Barack Hussein Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama, I have a major issue with the water bottle industry in the United States. They initiated, and helped spread the false stereotype that tap water is unhealthy and not fit to be consumed by humans. By doing so they have increased water bottle sales exponentially and in turn, made countless revenue while hurting the environment.This needs to stop. One in five Americans drink nothing but bottled water, despite the fact that it’s about
2,000 times more expensive. In the U.S. in 2006, bottled water revenues were about $15 billion. That’s over $28,000 per minute. Studies have proven that bottled water isn’t safer than tap water, and in some cases it’s even worse! Every year, more than 4 billion pounds of plastic bottles end up in landfills or as roadside litter. It often costs cities more than 70 million dollars in only tipping feed disposal costs; that doesn’t include the costs of trucking, litter removal, and trucking. The money going to that is valuable taxpayer dollars that could be going to things the city doesn’t provide or needs fixed, instead of going to something that is already provided for a fraction of the cost. Americans spend more dollars per gallon on bottled water than they do on gas. Up to 40% of bottled water sold to the public comes from already treated municipal water systems, paid for at the taxpayers expense. Companies then sell this water back to the