Erica Berrios
Professor Earhart
History 36
Mon-Wed 11:30-12:55
Latina History
Throughout history women didn’t have a say to things; from what they believe is right or what could help improve the surroundings around them. Women were taught from their mothers to their grandmothers to become a good housewife and mother and have children and make your husband happy. It wasn’t until the 19th century when the civil war interrupted the United States they needed labor force so they looked for women to work in the factories taking over the jobs that men left behind to serve in the war. For many women it was the very first time ever working in a factory taking over the jobs their husbands left behind. Although it was a great opportunity for these women they had to face obstacles, they realized they didn’t have their own rights. As for being a latina in the 19th century was similar to the struggles these women faced as well and were known for their work, Maria Amparo de Burton a writer and had a powerful voice she used to write about gender class and race through her poetry. Lola Rodriguez de Tio was the first Puerto Rican poet who believed in women rights and educating women. In the 20th century women wanted their voice to be heard they wanted to have equal rights as men had. They wanted to be able to vote for what they believe in and this is where the 19th amendment came into play and the Women Suffrage Association. These two Hispanic women who were a big impact in the latin history took place during the 20th century. Luisa Capetillo a labor leader educated workers on their rights and took a part of the women suffrage, Adelina Otero Warren also worked with The Women Suffrage Association. They both wanted the 19th Amendment to pass, Through Women Letters many women wrote letters to their loved ones expressing how they feel or what is going on in their presence which could relate a lot to these Hispanic women what they went through although, it was not clearly the exact same situations it was clear all these women had one thing in common was that they wanted their voice to be heard and fight in what they believe in, to have a right to vote and to have equal rights as the men. These were American women facing these obstacles United States Citizens, Imagine being a Hispanic women living in the United States the greater tragedy they had to face against society itself. Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton was a Hispanic women who lived in San Diego California and was a married to Captain Burton she faced hardship and struggles after her husband died out in the war. She was a write in the 19th century writing about women with a powerful voice who addressed crucial issues of ethnicity power gender class and race in her writing (Latina Legacies Pg72).She was a writer who spoke freely in her poetry about the society she lived in and was well known through her poetry. During the 19th century Women working in the labor force were being treated poorly and not getting enough pay they went on strike called “turning out” (Classnotes). Also published their own newspaper “The Voice of Industry” half of these women who were publishing the newspaper were either domestic servants or immigrants. However through a letter Elizabeth was writing to unknown correspondent she was a daughter of a parents who believed in women who should have rights and have a higher education (WL194). Elizabeth was being taken as a joke at her college her colleagues made a fun of her telling her she wouldn’t make it, she took it as a motivation to finish college as she kept her word she was the first women to have graduated from medical school. Maria Amparo after her husband died she returned back to San Diego to her ranch only to find out that her ranch was being sold, she did everything she can from hiring the best attorneys in town to help her save her lands For the next twenty-three years of her life she fought numerous legal battles, with more losses than wins. She
countries to act in certain ways and has been the main beneficiary of all the funneling of money. Neoliberalism has hyper-politicized the discourse of United States immigration. The United States was founded as a nation of immigrants and has always had a history of ethnic projects that have pushed immigrants in and out of its borders. In the last four decades the United States has had a mass influx of Latinos coming into its boarders. Since then there has been an increasing hatred towards people of Latin…
successful. We Latinos may be a minority, but our contributions to the United States will continue to rise. Some states may find us to be a nuisance, but they do not realize how much stronger the country could be. Personally, I am very proud to be a Latina in America, especially when I can say that my grandfather…
Morales, who wrote the poem "Child of the Americas", a poem in which she speaks about being a product of a very varied cultural background and how it affected her childhood. The other author is Gloria Anzuldua, a lesbian woman with a large amount of Latina heritage who wrote "To Live In The Borderlands Means You", a story about living in the area known as the Borderlands, and how it effects those living there daily. While Aurora Levins Morales represents her varied heritage as a source of wholeness…
Latinas and US Immigration: Gender, Race and Boundary Crossing LALS 31107M -82942 Prof. Norma Fuentes-Mayorga Lectures: Tues, Thurs 11:00am -12:15pm Office: 6/108C NAC Classroom: 379 Shepard Hall Office Hours: 4-6pm Course description: This course explores the immigrant and integration experience of Latina women in the US and the significance of gender and race in their socioeconomic life chances. The course bridges literatures on international migration, Latino studies, gender, race and boundary…
1/15/15 What is Women's History? Class ID's: Patriarchy Matriarchy Gender vs. Sex HISTORY TO THE 1960'S A correction/revision of traditional history - men have been at the forefront of world history - female historians put them in the background. - 1400s-1950s: 1st histories of the Americas white, elite, MEN Politics/Economics/Military Great men, great events, great ideas, etc. Few mentions of WOMEN 1960s -> - WWII/ "Baby Boom"/ 1960s activism - New voices incorporated into US History + Contributions…
each: • Throughout most of U.S. history in most locations, what race has been the majority? What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group?430 Throughout most of U.S. history the ‘White’ or ‘Caucasian’ race has been the majority. Generally the people belonging to these groups are of Irish, English, French, Scottish, Dutch, Norwegian, German, Italian, or Swedish decent. • What are some of the larger racial minorities in U.S. history? What have been the common ancestral…
from the Muslims. With that in mind, the fourth Crusade was disaster, not only failing to get anywhere near Jerusalem but then to attack and conquer two Christian cities, which had been unprecedented to this time. When discussing these points in history, it is important to discuss how such events came to be, and whilst the sacking of Zara and Constantinople are not in question, what is in question is how much of a role did Pope Innocent III did play in the 4th Crusade? Was he the mastermind, or was…
with a special emphasis on Latin America. Through readings, presentations, discussions, and video materials, we will analyze the current business environment in the region taking into consideration local economies and markets in light of their history, politics, resources, and relevant international issues. Course Objectives: to familiarize students with technical business vocabulary to enhance oral communicative skills at the advanced-language level to learn about different business practices…
to examine what was noted as “beautiful” over time, the majority of people –both male and female- would be thoroughly astonished. In a country where a full one-third of the population is Black, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latina, the serious underrepresentation of women of color in media is disturbing. To think this doesn’t have a negative effect on females who rarely see images of their own races depicted in a positive manner is insane. So what does it mean to be beautiful…
calories and prevent weight gain, such as fasting or excessive exercise. (Hensrud, 2012).However, these behaviors often overlap, and the attempt to get rid of extra calories is usually referred to as purging, no matter what the method. The possible history of these patients with bulimia nervosa is a wide variety of life experiences and neglect of close support from families or friends. Many individuals with bulimia come from over controlling families where nurturance is lacking. Studies suggest that…