Essay about SOC 1

Submitted By chaseml
Words: 423
Pages: 2

SOC 1/21/15

Auguste Comte: Positivism: belief that accurate knowledge must be based on the scientific method. Believed society progressed in linear stages: 1st theoretical, 2nd metaphysical, and 3rd positivist

Herbert Spencer: Society is made up of unique parts that work together to sustain the entire organism. Focused on the functions, elements, and interactions of society and how they evolved through time. “Social Darwinism”

Karl Marx: Capitalism could solve hunger and poverty for all, but makes owners of the means of capitalism rich while workers suffer. Capitalism fuels dispute between workers and owners. Socialism is way for public to own the means of production and no inequality would exist. Lived in exile most of his life.

Emile Durkheim: Studied to be rabbi but became agnostic in teens. Established sociology as a discipline – The Rules of Sociological Method Social Solidarity: The collective bonds that connect individuals. Society held together by shared norms. Collective conscience: shared values of a society Division of Labor: People specializing in different tasks, and each task requiring specific skills. Anomie: a state of normlessness, without moral guidance.

Max Weber: The Protestant Ethic and the Rationalization of Modern Life Decline of Tradition Rationalization of society: long-term historical process by which rationality replaced tradition as the basis for organizing social and economic life.

Understanding Theory: Theories evolve and are sometimes rejected, leaving most useful to survive Multiple theories often give us a more complete picture than any single one. Social Theory: set of principles and propositions that explains the relationships among social phenomena.

Key Dimensions of Theory: Consensus and Conflict Objective and Subjective Reality Micro-Level and