Self-Disclosure Essay

Words: 1745
Pages: 7

Therapist Self-Disclosure 1


Therapist Self-Disclosure 2
The effects that counselor self-disclosure can have on group members and the appropriateness of when to use self disclosure will be explained in this paper. The author will discuss the ethical dilemmas that may arise when counselors divulge too much information, as well as a discussion of what the client's perceptions may be of such disclosure and the positive and negative effects that this may have on therapy.

Therapist Self-Disclosure 3
The Pro's and Cons of
Self-Disclosure and Other Boundary Issues In mental health practice, a commonly held view is that therapist self-disclosure

Avoid by all means labeling or judging. Understanding includes recognizing or being able to describe the thoughts and feelings of others, not by simply being able to convey ones own. Certain types of self-disclosure may help the client see that the therapist is an accepting person. This helps the client feel free from threat of rejection. The fear of rejection and judgment narrows and restricts behavior. The more a group member feels accepted the more likely they are to self-disclose and take risks in the exploration process. The more secure people are the more accepting they can be, since self-concepts are less likely to be threatened by anything heard. Accepting others does not mean we condone or agree with them. What is important is to accept and acknowledge the feelings of others. To be Genuine and honest with ones feelings is very important. Feeling one thing and communicating the opposite is not being genuine, therefore not facilitative, and chances are the client will know. The more genuine the therapist is, the more the other person will trust them. Being non-genuine may turn the client off from counseling in general and from you as a therapist in particular. A good counselor is one who knows the client as they are, understands where the client has been, unconditionally accepts the client for who they have become, invites

Therapist Self-Disclosure 7 the client to grow and then supports them on this journey (Myrick