Safety: Occupational Safety and Health and Safety Essay

Submitted By errol83
Words: 1006
Pages: 5

Assignment One

Current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are carried out in the setting in a number of different ways to make sure all possibilities are covered. To meet all the requirements which are set out within the setting the school will actively promote the health and safety of the school, staff and students as an equal objective of the school New invention is always looking to improve and develop its polices for the good of the setting, every employee has a say on how it can be carried across the school and will actively look for ways to improve. A copy of the schools health and safety policy is included. Health and safety is monitored and maintained in the setting by ensuring the necessary risk assessments have been made with regards to new equipment,actiites etc., consulting all staff on any matters that may arise at any time, make sure all staff are given adequate training so that they have the correct skills to make the correct desions . Reviews are held on a regular basis to review and audit performance. In and around the school there are signs up and notices which inform people of the risks to health and safety, when it comes to the children the teachers will make them aware as well just to clarify the risk that are posed to them. With every activity the children are encouraged to work safely and encouraged to look after one another and be responsible for their own actions actions. Each member of staff must take responsibility for health and safety in their class and the children, if you have anything to report you must go to the health and safety representative who is Mrs. Hester in the case of my setting. Mrs. Hester will then approach the head teacher with her concerns and a meeting will be set up with the chair of governors if needed and the best course of action will be discussed.
Teaching assistants are also responsible for the health and safety of the class they are working with and for themselves as an adult, if there is something that is a cause for concern they should first speak to the class teacher and if the problem cannot be dealt with they should speak with the health and safety representative. The role of the teaching assistant has evolved from basic setting up of paints in an art class to having more of hands on role when educating class children, in some cases depending on what type of role you have at the school you can even have your own some group to look after for example a Higher level teaching assistant will have their own class to teach and take on more responsibilites.The current health and safety polices don’t just support teaching assistants but all staff who work for their chosen establishment. Each staff member should be aware of the health and safety polices when they start their job role. Voluntary teaching assistants manage risks to childrens health,safety and security by making the nessesary peolple aware if any of these issues may arise, voluntary teaching assistants will be made aware of the health and safety rules before they enter he classroom. The main point of health and safety are (atl 2013) Health and safety/legal-framework (online) Available place a duty on employers to ensure the health,safety and welfare of employees as far as is reasonbly practicle. It also requires employers to consult with trade union safety representitives on matters affercting health and safety in the workplace. Moreover, emploers of more than five people must prepare a written health and safety policy and bring it to the attention of employees.
Employers must ensure that non-employees (egg pupils/students) who may be affected by work activates are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. Where young or vulnerable persons may be affected, the duty of care is greater.
A duty is placed on