Essay about Right-wing Politics and Click

Submitted By altheafrans
Words: 607
Pages: 3

Welcome to the 7 Years War Webquest.

You will be participating in an exciting journey through the 7 Years War. Visit the following webpage to begin: click on ‘From the Warpath to the Plains of Abraham’.

Follow the instructions on your Webquest assignment sheet and answer the questions in point form.

Be patient, some of the pages/activities may take a minute to load.

Group 2: The British

1. Click on the section of the circle titled ‘Impasse in the British Court’ and follow the instructions provided.

2. Click on man in the portrait in the top right corner of your screen. What is his name, and who was he? What title was he given on Jan. 12, 1759?
Major general James Wolfe commander in chief of the ground forces

3. Click on the lion statue underneath the portrait. Listen to the audio clip. Who won the first battle between Washington and the French? The French won the battle

4. Click on the scale on the right side of your screen. How many people were in New France? How many people were in New England?
New france:60 000 pop New England: 1.5 million pop

5. Click on the document at the bottom of your screen. Look at the map. Who won more battles, the French or the English?
The English won more battles

6. Click ‘M’ to return to the menu.

7. Click on the segment of the circle called ‘The Crossing or Mishaps on a Transatlantic Journey’.

8. Click on the group of soldiers at the top left side of your screen. Name two places English Soldiers came from. How many soldiers came from Yorkshire and Inverness? York shire and Inverness

9. Click on the bagpiper at the centre of the ship under the sails. What colour were most English uniforms?

10. Click on the man at the far right side of your screen who is throwing up! Answer the questions. Record your score out of 5.

11. Move your mouse to the bottom, middle section of the ship. Click on the man to the left. What were 4 things that were part of the soldiers’ diet?

12. Move your mouse to the bottom, middle section of the ship. Click on the man to the right. Name two things that were part of the weaponry used in the ships?

13. Click ‘M’ to return to the menu.

14. Choose the segment of the circle called “A Change of Strategy”.

15. Click on the burning ships at the centre of your screen.