Essay on Revolutionizing Modern Medicine

Submitted By manikdutta26
Words: 969
Pages: 4

Revolutionizing Modern Medicine Nanotechnology is a remarkable field that manipulates matter at the atomic scale, allowing the creation of many exciting innovations. Medicine is one of the areas that will be impacted by these innovations. Nanotechnology involves creating and manipulating objects at the 1-10 nanometer scale. Objects like viruses and cell components are at these sizes, enabling nanotechnology to affect them directly. This is crucial to medicine since new therapies and devices can be made to improve medical outcomes. Examples of nanotechnology’s potential impact on medicine includes new drug delivery systems, new therapy regimens, new ways to diagnose diseases, and repairing damaged cells. When these potential innovations are realized, medicine will never be the same again. Patients with metastatic tumors (tumors that have spread to other organs) will no longer have low survival rates. Incurable diseases like AIDS could potentially be cured through the use of nanotech therapies. Aging could be slowed down or reversed by nanoparticles fixing cells that tend to deteriorate with age. The problems of old age-dementia, disability, and blindness- might one day disappear. While it will take some years for these medical applications of nanotechnology to be realized, the world of medicine is due for its upcoming renaissance. Current systems of drug delivery can have serious side effects. Many healthy cells are killed when drugs do their jobs in the body, potentially leading to deadly complications. Nanotechnology changes this somewhat harsh reality. Nanoparticles containing necessary drugs can be designed to seek out diseased cells and directly treat them, reducing the amount of healthy cells damaged by the drugs. The elimination of diseases will be more efficient since nanoparticles can be engineered to focus on the viruses and bacteria causing disease. Chemotherapy drugs will be more effective in destroying cancer cells and will lead to fewer side effects in cancer patients. In addition, enzymes can be placed by nanoparticles in cells to stop virus reproduction, and nanoparticles can deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier to eliminate neurological diseases. With nanoparticles handling drug delivery, patients will no longer have to worry about crippling side effects and mediocre drug performance. Nanotechnology can also be applied to directly treat ailments and to improve patient outcomes. The fact that nanoparticles have many unique properties is vital to creating innovative therapy regimens. One idea is to use carbon nanotubes to focus sound waves in order to surgically remove tumors and other objects in the body. The carbon nanotubes generate heat energy which amplifies the sound waves while maintaining their accuracy, enabling an effective and noninvasive surgery. Another application is to use bismuth nanoparticles to concentrate radiation around cancer cells. Since bismuth is cheap and non-toxic, there will be fewer side effects from both the bismuth and the concentrated radiation. Radiotherapy will improve dramatically since radiation will cause less damage to healthy tissues and will be focused more on the tumors. Nanoparticles can also be used to stop free radicals that are produced when people get brain injuries, improving the outcomes of brain injuries. Nanofibers can also be made to stimulate cartilage production in joints. These joints will be healthier since cartilage can be more easily replaced than before. The creation of all these new therapy regimens will significantly enhance the power of medicine to transform people’s lives. Nanotechnology can also be used to help diagnose diseases so that they can be properly treated. Nanoparticles can attach to cancer cells and release special peptides. These peptides interact with proteases found on cancer cells and are forced into the bloodstream. They can then be analyzed chemically, indicating the presence and type of the tumors. Tumors can be