Essay about Nanotech 1AC

Words: 13570
Pages: 55

1AC Version 1.0
Observation 1: SQ
Observation One: The Status Quo
First, Nano Development in Mexico is on the rise – it’s unregulated and risks spinning out of control

Inter Press Service 2k12
(Tierramérica, “MEXICO: Scientists Call For Regulation of Nanotechnology,” 03/12/2012,, AC)
MEXICO CITY, Mar 12 (Tierramérica).- Nanotechnology, which is currently unregulated in Mexico, could pose serious threats to human health and the environment, cautions a new study. "Far from a policy of precaution vis-à-vis these new technologies, products are entering the market without regulation to guarantee their safety or labels to inform of their use," researcher Guillermo

Other sources estimate the number of researchers working on nanotechnology in México at between 300 and 500. It is beyond the aim of this article to provide a complete picture of the status of nanotechnology in México, but it is worth mentioning some of the efforts made in this regard.
This Causes Toxic Poisoning of the Environment

Vandermolen 2k6
(LCDR Thomas D. Vandermolen, USN (BS, Louisiana Tech University; MA, Naval War College), is officer in charge, Maritime Science and Technology Center, Yokosuka, Japan. He was previously assigned as a student at the Naval War College, Newport Naval Station, Rhode Island. He has also served as intelligence officer for Carrier Wing Five, Naval Air Facility, Atsugi, Japan, and in similar assignments with US Special Operations Command, US Forces Korea, and Sea Control Squadron THIRTY-FIVE, Naval Air Station, North Island, California. AIR & SPACE POWER JOUNRAL, Fall, 2006, “Molecular nanotechnology and national security,” pg online @ //um-ef)
Environmental Damage. MNT was originally perceived as a potential cure-all for a variety of environmental problems: