Literature Review
Factors Influencing Increased Drinking Problems in Adolescents It is obvious that alcohol is a popular substance among the youth age group. It is seen as fun, exhilarating and common in the midst of social gatherings. Underage drinking is seen all throughout society; movies, television shows, magazines, the internet...take a look outside on the weekends. It is a question among some adults as to why teenagers see the need to drink alcohol, so heavily for that fact, at such a young age when they have so many other options out there. Can one really understand the mind of an adolescent and figure out what causes them to illegally drink? What are the factors that influence them? Why are there so many alcohol problems? The brains of underage youth are more susceptible to damage from alcohol than an adult’s brain. An article called Cities, counties, and universities look for ways to prevent underage drinking goes into detail about the damages and effects of drinking alcohol at a young age. “Compared to people who wait until they’re twenty one years old to begin drinking alcohol, people that drink earlier are more likely to get unintentionally injured while under the influence” (Public Management, 2008). Harmful drinking increases the risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, liver disease, and cancer. There are about 65, 000 deaths per year that are due to drinking. Efforts made to prevent and treat adolescent drinking can likely have an enormous impact on public health later in the future. As children move from adolescence to young adulthood, they encounter dramatic, physical, emotional, and lifestyle changes. Developmental transitions, such as puberty and increasing independence, have been associated with alcohol use. So in a sense, just being an adolescent may be a key risk factor not only for starting to drink but also for drinking dangerously (Hingson, 2008). Also, an author of an article that looked at binge drinking and the harm from late adolescence to early adulthood, Dimitri A. Christakis said: “Alcohol disorders are among the three most common psychiatric disorders... (2004)”. Studies showed that a quarter of 14, 127, 266 youths that binge drank had alcoholic parents. Binge drinking is usually considered to be 5-6 drinks in one occasion. This being said, the emotional and dramatic lifestyles these people had faced (due to being raised by alcoholic parents/guardians) can very much be a cause. An incident such a perhaps the death of a loved one or a tragic event that occurred (bullying, sexual abuse, etc) can have a serious impact on ones drinking habits. This leads to alcohol dependency. The diagnosis of this is; tolerance, withdrawal, persistent desire, spending most time drinking and recovering, giving up activities (social, occupational), impaired control and lastly continuing to drink despite any problems that may have been caused by alcohol (Heeren, 2011). If one drinks at an early age, they’re more likely to be heavy drinkers according to the analyses of NLAES (a national probability survey sponsored by the National Institution of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism). Timothy Heeren, author of the article Age of Drinking and
2. INTRODUCTION Performing a literature review is like an art. It is a precursor in the introduction of a research paper. A literature review can be defined as a critical and in depth evaluation of previous research. It is a summary of a particular area of research allowing anybody reading the paper to establish why pursuing the research program. The purpose of a literature review is to help in explaining how the question to be investigated fits in and the reason why the researcher has approached…
Review of Literature Priscilla A Flores Grand Canyon University: NUR 429V 10-2-2014 Nurses play a crucial role in promoting health. By changing someone’s behavior or state of mind, we are qualified to impact disease prevention and it’s associated death. These factors put a demand on the individual to make changes in many aspects of life. In this paper, three journal articles will be discussed in terms of nursing practice and the three levels of health promotion. Primary, secondary…
3 Investigation/Literature Review Literature review is the part where the previous studies within the same scope and same issues will be discussed and analyzed in order to strengthen the study that are currently made. 3.1 Review on existing system. This part was done to compare the existing system and the current system. The reviews are made based on the system that have the same problems, issues and objectives. This is crucial in order to develop a successful online system for hotels. 3…
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW The Literature Review chapter if this thesis is dedicated to the foreign policy of small states and multivector foreign policy of Kazakhstan. The review is based on academic and official discourses. The primary aim of this chapter is to outline the main peculiarities of foreign policy of small state theory, Kazakh multivector approach and draw the cross-lines between two. Due to the fact that the main research question of this thesis is whether Kazakhstan is tilting away…
Literature Review: I will begin my literature review by sharing the importance of not only Professional development but continuing professional development in schools. My review would convince you of the fact the in 21st century learning is all about collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and cooperative learning. Learning cannot take place in isolation. In this era of testing and school reform, many schools are looking for ways to make their teaching practices more effective and collaborative…
Introduction. The point of this literature review is to gather information on my proposed research question, computer games and their relationship to sleep disturbances (nightmares) and sleep protection, by looking at online psychology databases. This study is important as it is imperative to discover if the things the majority people use on a day to day basis affect their sleep patterns. The literature being examined will be; Schredl, M., Anders, A., Hellriegel, S., & Rehm, A. (2008). Van den Bulck…
Running Head: LITERATURE REVIEW: DOES HOMEWORK INCREASE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT? LITERATURE REVIEW: DOES HOMEWORK INCREASE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT? Caroline Oakland University EST 601 Problem Sheet 3: Review of the Literature 1. What are the specific problem(s) or question(s) to be addressed in your literature review: The Value of Homework in Student Achievement. Is there a positive effect? Negative effect? No effect ? 2. What general reference tools did you…
Question :Literature review for The management of ICT in an academic library in Ghana Answer: MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE IN ACADEMIC LIBRARIES Literature Review Information Technology Infrastructure in Academic Libraries The empirical evidence that information technology (IT) enhances the ability of libraries to survive in the highly competitive global marketplace of the 21st century has become more and more evident (Bedarel et al, 2012). The effective use of information…
2.1 General The literature review presents the current state of knowledge and examples of successful uses of alternative materials in concrete, and in particular the use of recycled aggregate as a coarse aggregate fraction in non-structural concrete. It also presents a review of available literature on recycled aggregate properties including particle size distribution, density and water absorption, and identifies the need to investigate porosity and possible chemical contamination of the aggregate…
Literature Review In researching various methods of profiting from social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, we found that there wasn’t much literature on the topic. Most articles touch upon how companies are using social media to aid in their business, but this is not the point in our research. We are looking to find how individuals’ use of social media can potentially earn them some sort of income. In the abundance of research on our topic, we will turn to see how businesses and individuals…