A Nightmare Literature Review

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Pages: 7

The point of this literature review is to gather information on my proposed research question, computer games and their relationship to sleep disturbances (nightmares) and sleep protection, by looking at online psychology databases. This study is important as it is imperative to discover if the things the majority people use on a day to day basis affect their sleep patterns. The literature being examined will be; Schredl, M., Anders, A., Hellriegel, S., & Rehm, A. (2008). Van den Bulck, J. (2004). Gackenbach, J., Ellerman, E., & Hall, C. (2011). And finally Gackenbach, J., Darlington, M., Ferguson, M., & Boyes, A. (2013). These literature pieces will attempt to support

Nightmares are a type of sleep disruption, or parasomnia, characterized by frightening psychological content. Nightmares provoke a feeling of imminent physical danger with a sensation of being trapped or suffocated.


(2004). Had the same proposal question which was that the amount of media use, such as television watching and computer game playing related to nightmares and pleasant dreams. Along with Schredl et al (2008) Van den Bulck used a self-administrated questionnaire with a sample of first to fourth year students in fifteen secondary schools in Belgium. The final sample ended up being two thousand five hundred and forty six. During this researchers were present. The sample was asked to estimate weekly viewing by using like Van den Bulck, J. (2004) , a seven point scale number one being never and number seven being more than four times a week and then how much time they spent doing that activity. To get an estimate of an average monthly all these variables were multiplied. The same was done with television viewing using a five point scale. In relation to nightmares and pleasant dreams there wasn’t a change between the genders. 25% have nightmares monthly and 10% weekly in the first year group. The fourth year group had lower numbers of nightmares. With computer games, in the first year group 6% monthly and 6% weekly and the fourth year boys were just a bit lower in numbers. With girls they have little nightmares, 5% in first year and 4% in fourth year girls. In pleasant dreams, the boys tended to have more than girls with the girls having quite low percentages. In conclusion this study shows a positive relation towards the