Research paper

Submitted By e99wright
Words: 384
Pages: 2

Journal Entry 001:
We recently used our Time Machine to travel through time and visit one of out favorite
Mesoamerican Cultures, the Olmec Culture. We’re going to visit the Olmec Culture first. ­ It’s a very interesting culture here, that the
Olmec have. The civilization is based in a very tropical type area, and what seems to be in the area of Mexico.(I’m not sure). As we travel around, the culture here is very much like our modern day civilization. They are very skilled at farming, and they also have a very good and abundant supply of food, the farmers here even gave us some tipos of things when we should do if we ever wanted to begin farming. They are also very well skilled at Pottery and Weaving, one of the Potters even made us some pottery to take with us back home. They also live in villages, which are located by the river(must be for efficient farming). One of the people here named Jon gave us a small tour of some of the things that were in his home, like different pottery he made and things of that nature.
In the morning, the children play a game of “Pok­a­Tok” where it looks like they’ve to shoot a ball thru a rind without feet, or hands. Some of the kids helped me get the hang of the game, although it was very difficult but fun. They’re a polytheistic culture, but they mainly pray to the jaguar, as I translate they believe the jaguar brings in the rain. The
Olmecs also have many pyramids built(These could be for religious reasons), but we