Research Paper

Submitted By jacki32
Words: 1493
Pages: 6

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder)

ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyper-Active Disorder, is a psychiatric and neurobehavioral disorder. According to Naish, John, author of The Times, “ADHD is a term used to describe a combination of antisocial behaviors, such as low concentration, impulsiveness, aggression and distractibility.” This disorder affects about eight to ten percent of school aged children. Boys are most likely to be diagnosed with ADHD more than girls are, although no one really understands why. Kids who are diagnosed with ADHD tend to act before they think. They also have trouble with staying focused and are very hyperactive. They understand what is to be expected of them but they have trouble following through with orders. Their social behaviors are different than normal, their attention spans are shorter and their patience is lost faster. Many people feel that those with ADHD, use their disorder as an excuse for their actions and that they cannot help having the disorder, but even though it is not their fault on how it is caused, there is ways to prevent the disorder from being triggered and there are treatment options available to keep the psychiatric condition under control. It is their responsibility to know what causes ADHD, what the symptoms and side effects are, what the ways to prevent it from triggering and what the treatment options are.
ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, is a neurobehavioral and psychiatric disorder. The characteristics of ADHD are inattention or hyperactivity and impulsiveness or the three assembled into one. The symptoms of ADHD usually emerge before seven years of age. ADHD has three subtypes. These subtypes are known as Predominant Inattentive, Predominant Hyperactive- Impulsive o the combination of both subtypes. Predominant Inattentive, also known as ADHD-PI, is a subtype of ADHD. People diagnosed with this subtype of ADHD have symptoms such as very short attention span, losing focus faster, do not listen or follow instructions and orders, they get distracted and forget things faster than others, misplace items to complete things and are also less caring about putting effort into anything. The second subtype is Predominant Hyperactive-Impulsive. Also known as ADHD-HI. Those diagnosed whit this subtype are most likely not able to sit still, fidgets and squirms a lot, have trouble keeping quiet, and talks out of turn. The third and final subtype is both ADHD-PI and ADHD-HI combined. This subtype is also as ADHD-C. There are many effects of ADHD on both children and adult. It can range anywhere from one-third to eighty percent of children that have ADHD can carry it into their adulthood years and two to five percent of adults have it. Many adults choose to go untreated or are unaware that they have ADHD. Having ADHD as an adult can lead to a lifestyle that is chaotic, are unorganized and may be more likely to turn to unprescribed drugs and alcohol to deal with having ADHD. They also tend to have other psychiatric disorders like a learning disability, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse and depression.
There are different causes of ADHD, like genetics, social environment, diets and physical environments. The specific causes of ADHD are being further researched. Having ADHD can affect ones social life because they tend to get offended easier by something that was meant as a joke and they also tend to be less humorous and more serious about everything. They also over exaggerate about some situations and over react about small things. ADHD affects one’s personal life because they become careless of themselves and others, they lose interest in doing things like family time, hanging with friends and having fun. People with ADHD, or any other type of psychiatric condition, are almost constantly emotional and irritated which leads them to isolate themselves from the outside world. These things are more common in individuals that go or are left untreated.