Research: Health Care and Meaningful Use Criteria Essay

Submitted By jmschlotter
Words: 364
Pages: 2

Sean Benson, et al. "Meaningful Use and Clinical Documentation." Vol 82, No 2. (2011): 6-8. Journal of AHIMA. Web. 21 Sept. 2013

The bases of the article, is the importance of finding a health IT that will meet all your needs along with being user friendly. The other issue that was covered is making sure that the “meaningful use criteria” is being used and taking under consideration when looking for a health IT system. In the EHR efficient and effective clinical documentation is vital to a meaningful use of the health IT. With meaningful use it is easier to find, record or modify the patient's Stage 1 criteria. It enables efficient and accurate clinical documentation. Even though the government requirement is not here yet, and the health IT is still voluntary, it is strongly encourage to start adopting the standards now because very soon it will be a requirement. The meaningful use criteria is to improve quality, safety & efficiency, reduce health disparities, engage patients & families in their health care, improve care coordination, improve population & public health, maintain privacy & security across all areas. So when a Vendor cannot offer you these benefits it is recommended that the facility conduct their own internal evaluations for existing or prospective systems. The core set meaningful use criteria that is required now is record patient demographics, record and chart vital signs, maintain active medication allergy list, maintain an up to date problem list of current and active diagnosis, maintain