Certification of HER
Kristin Smallwood
Professor Wojtecki
Electronic health record functionality standards and certifications criteria means both the provider and patient are confident that the health IT program that is being used is secure, and can maintain data confidentiality. This also means it needs to work with other systems for the purpose of sharing information and perform a set of defined functions. Due to the standards that are needed the HHS secretary adopted the Health Information Technology Certification Program (HITCP) was created, on July 13, 2010. (HealthIT, 20141).
One of the HITCP is the ONC certification program. This program has a definite way of ensuring that EHR technologies meet the standards and certification criteria which was adopted by the HHS secretary. This helps providers and hospital to achieve realistic objectives and measure put forth by the CMS. There are also benefits of this certification as well.
A HIT certification gives assurance to the users that the system has the minimum requirements needed for technological capabilities, functionality, and most import the security to help them meet their objectives and measures. The certification also provides reassurance in the confidence that the product and system(s) are secure and are interoperable. Basically an “ONC-Approved Accreditor accredits and oversees certification bodies.” (HealthIT, 20142)
A quick way to see the certification process is; a vendor creates an HER product which meets standards and certification criteria that is already in place, then an accredited testing lab will test the product on the criteria, next an ONC authorized certification body will certify the test then submit the information to ONC for it to post on CHPL and lastly eligible professionals and eligible hospitals use the product in parallel to their objectives and measures and untimely collect incentive payments from CMS.
I would use this when selecting my HER selection because it will help me better see which program will meet my meaningful use objectives and measures that were set by the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services. This will also mean I can qualify for incentive payments if I am eligible, also means I can expand my practice on patients I can take if I have a certified EHR technology. The biggest hang up would be defining the practices meaningful use