Health Research Report: Problem And Related Issue Of Interest

Submitted By Jordan-Pache
Words: 1341
Pages: 6

COMM3050 Winter 2014
Professors H. Adams, J. Boswell, K. Carson, K. Coulthard, R. Geiger, M. Ott, S. Selby & J. Walker

Problem/Solution Research Report #2 (20%)

Due: Week 11, Hour 2 (Tuesday March 24) Reminder: Late papers will drop 5% per day in grade.
Length: 5-7 pages, double-spaced, including at least one (1) graphic Essay Assignment
For this essay, each student will research and write about a specific health related topic of interest. To begin, each student will pose a health-related “research problem,” something that he or she would like to learn more about. Students can choose to develop a research problem from the “Possible Research Topics” or propose another health related problem to be checked with the professor in advance. Once the essay is complete, students will also present their research findings to the class in a presentation, so we can all learn more about the varied health issues researched. Instructions
1. Include a minimum of five strong academic sources, such as articles from medical and health library databases or reputable medical or health journals or websites; entries from medical encyclopedia (not Wikipedia); government documents; books published after the year 2003, unless the issue has an historical aspect.
2. Follow the Dewey Problem-Solution method for your report:
1. State the problem. Identify it.
2. Define the problem. Limit its scope. Examine its history.
3. Formulate criteria. Devise standards to measure the problem.
4. Propose alternatives. Consider possible solutions.
5. Evaluate alternatives. Apply criteria to solution options.
6. Recommend action. Select best possible solution(s).
3. Use APA format throughout the report. Your report should include a title page, page numbering and running header, correct in-text citations, and a correct References page.
4. Write in the 3rd person.
5. Submit your file to the dropbox where it is automatically submitted to and where you should be able to check your turnitin report. A paper will not be graded until the file has been submitted to the dropbox.

Other Due Dates
Week 7, Hour 3
OR Week 8, Hour 1 Sign-up for Research Topic
Week 9, Hour 1 Annotated Reference Due (10%) (must submit to receive grade for essay)
Weeks 12 - 14 Presentations – Attendance for all presentations is mandatory, but one missed class period during all presentations is allowed. It is important that students are here to learn from the variety of health topics presented and to provide support for the students presenting.
If a student misses more than one class, the student’s presentation mark will drop 5% for each day missed. If an emergency arises, documentation must be provided.

Potential Topics – Health Related Problems

Please note that this research report is heavily dependent on data—it is expected that statistics and research be cited in support of various potential solutions.
Do not go into this problem-solution report with pre-conceived notions and ideas. It is best if you let the research guide you to your recommended solutions.
Issue does not have to be limited to Canada. Any health problem, anywhere in the world; global to individual.

Getting health care workers to get the flu shot
Getting health care workers and other hospital workers to wash their hands (reduce hospital-borne infections)
Get Canadian organ donation rates up
Get Canadian blood donation rates up
Which new treatments for a certain disease should be insured? Which potential treatment paths should be followed? cancer treatments multiple sclerosis treatments (vein therapy) any disease and its newer treatment options
Improve water and/or other conditions on Canadian First Nations reserves
Improve health outcomes for a population at risk (sex workers, ex-convicts, drug addicts, children in poverty, etc.)
Prevent zoonotic diseases (disease transferred between species)
Where should foreign aid funds be directed to best help war zones, refugee camps, and