Reflection on My Self-Performance as a Team Coordinator
Reflective Essay - Belbin Team Role Theory in practice
To further understand Belbin Team Role Theory, I, together with four students formed a team and simulated as being authorized by the Songjiang Government Bureau to investigate into the current situation and the prospect of the higher education industry in Songjiang District. Through unremitting team efforts, we successfully demonstrated our findings and recommended several ideas via a formal presentation. Reviewing the three-months-long process of cooperation, I really found this experience of learning meaningful and fruitful. This reflective essay is a conclusion of my sympathetic introspection of the If it were not for one of the members who cancelled all our original ideas, we might have already undergone a great frustration. The word “conflict” is always related to anger, disunity and standstill. Being that as it may, when conflict exists, it generally indicates members’ commitment to the team goal, because they are trying to come up with the best solutions. So conflicts can in turn promote challenges, heighten individual regards to the issues, and increase individual efforts (Laura 2005). Being a coordinator, I took up the responsibility for turning the conflicts into beneficial effects. Looking back, I could have done better in inspiring the members as an example, to pour out frankly personal opinions. It seems that such disagreements can hardly be avoided in the process of teamwork. Hence, no matter what team roles I am going to play, when faced with conflicts, I will adhere myself to the following two points: Firstly, it is better for me to speak up all my points of view. Even if these ideas may not be recognized and may finally be rejected, the other members can have the opportunities to rethink their own ideas from my perspective against the differences and disagreements. Secondly, it is beneficial for me as a team role player to respect the other members’ opinions, however divergent these opinions may be from my own points of view. Because it happens that some seemingly irrational ideas are finally proved to be
[performance, and eliminates poor practice. Workers can assist their team mates to improve their performance. Reflective practice helps workers think about how they could change their way of working – or should change their way of working by thinking ahead and using a structure to suit an activity. Donald Schon (1983) identified that learning in practice could be enhanced by 2 different kinds of activity – Reflection in-action and Reflection on-action.…
Reflection One of the most valuable topics I learned was reflection. Reflection is scholarly and emotional activities in which a person engages to discover their encounters in order to guide new perceptions and gratitude (Mezirow, 1990). I also learned the variations amongst critical reflection and reflection. The process of critical reflection covers three points: discovering suppositions that motivate views and behaviors…
Introduction to REFLECTIONS “REFLECTIONS” is an emerging private school that has been striving to provide a balanced conventional and Islamic education to its students since 2004. It has around 225 employees (teaching + administrative). Compensation System at REFLECTIONS: Extrinsic Rewards: At REFLECTIONS, extrinsic rewards consist of the following: Non-monetary Rewards: a) Paid Time-off: Every female employee is entitled to have a 40-days maternity leave each time she expects…
In the file ACC 290 Week 3 Learning Team Reflection you will find overview of the following parts: Learning Team Reflection Paper Accrual Basis and Cash Basis Accounting Creating Adjusting Entries Preparing an Adjusted Trial Balance Conclusion References Business - Accounting Discuss the objectives for Week Two. What do you think will be the most important of the skills learned when you are in an accounting position? Differentiate between accrual basis and cash basis accounting. Create…
Getting started - 10% Part 2: Action - N/A Part 3a: Team PPT - 25% Part 3b: Class Share - 5% Part 4a: Participation - 5% Part 4b: Reflection & Critique - 5% All components of the project MUST be completed, or you will receive a mark of zero. Late submissions of any assignment will be penalized by 1% per day late. After five (5) days, work will not be graded. If you anticipate a problem, please speak to the professor BEFORE the work is due. All projects and assignments MUST be handed…
Within the health care profession all staff must be proactive and focused in their roles, with an ever changing of legislation and minimum standards, it is important that training and the ways of working are kept up to date. Each person within the team should been given an opportunity to develop further within the company, if this mean that they attend further training, then this should be part of the company’s policies and procedure. A company can only be as good as the staff they employ. If…
What is a team work? Team work can be defined as when actions of individuals are brought together for the purpose of a common goal. Each person in a team puts his efforts to achieve the objectives of large group. Teams make efforts to achieve the success but not necessarily the success is achieved every time. Within a team every member plays a role to achieve the team’s objectives. These roles add new and important dimensions to interactions of team members. Bruce Tuckman’s team development theory…
will be cited through the course of the module and made available through Blackboard. A useful starting point is to look at the work of Sir Ken Robinson who is a passionate advocate of creative thinking and equating the importance of creativity with literacy, “Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.” 2. Reflection – Discuss what you have personally learnt by completing the C&I Challenges (details to be provided in class) and participating…
Week 4 Learning Team Reflection Week 4 Learning Team Reflection Diversity in work teams is essential; to be able to maintain this they would need to provide many different aspects ranging from gender, race, and experiences that can be utilized in the team’s task. The individual abilities of each team member must complement each other in order to achieve maximum team effectiveness. Team members’ personalities are equally as important. There are many different steps that can be taken to make…
4. Write a critical evaluation of what it means to be a teacher/ trainer in your context within the Lifelong Learning Sector LO,1. Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of the concept of professionalism; the range of roles and responsibilities, both across the sector and in relation to own subject teaching and the impact of each. LO .2. Demonstrate a critical awareness and understanding of theories and principles of reflective practice and models of continuing professional practice…