Essay about Questions from the Book Tomorrow When the War Began
Submitted By dianalala100
Words: 341
Pages: 2
Customs and traditions in Greece: * Easter. Easter is by far the most important celebration for the Greeks, Even Christmas comes second. The celebrations for Easter truly begin two months before,
But Holy Week is the peak of these activities. Greeks traditionally dye their Easter eggs on the Thursday before Easter, dying them red. Once Easter arrived you obviously were allowed to eat the Easter eggs, but also smash other people’s eggs and see if they would break. It’s called tsougrisma, which means cracking or clashing. That was the fun part of Easter; you basically chose an egg and hit the egg of the person sitting next to you, if your egg didn’t break you were the winner, and you could continue with your victorious uncracked egg around the table, with the hopes of keeping your egg intact.
Another tradition at Easter is to make Tsoureki (Greek Easter bread) which usually has a whole coloured egg in it. * Name Day Celebration. Most of the Greeks owe their names to a religious saint
And in Greece name days are more important than birthdays. Everyone named after a saint honoured by the church celebrates his name on a given day of the year. Typical Greek food: * Moussaka- A oven-baked casserole of layered eggplant and spiced meat filling topped with a creamy bechamel * Galaktoboureko- custard filled phyllo pie * Fassolatha- classic white bean soup Interesting places to visit: * Ancient wonders in Olympia- As the site
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