Essay on Pttls Task 1

Submitted By bob1947
Words: 1624
Pages: 7

Task 1 Learning and Teaching

An exploration to include:

• Your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle. • Key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to your subject and workplace. • Equality, diversity and inclusion and the means of meeting potential needs of learners

Ensure each section provides theory/context and also explanation/examples of how this can be put into practice for your own specialism/subject area.

Teaching and Learning

The central role of a teacher is to provide for the learning needs of the learners in our care in the best possible way in a relevant manner Additionally, as Anne Gravells (2011) states, the process should also be undertaken in an enjoyable manner. However, for the central role to be achieved, there are many other roles that should be considered and might be encapsulated by reference to the training cycle (refer) that lists the primary roles as follows:

• Identifying needs. • Planning learning. • Delivering. • Assessing and evaluating.

Examining the roles in greater detail, I would suggest that in identifying needs of both individual students and the group as a whole, consideration should be given to interviewing and assessing the knowledge level of students ahead of their course. Planning might involve deciding what resources would be required. In delivering learning, I might have to include the need to communicate appropriately and effectively and also consider the possibility that I will have to adapt the learning methods employed whilst a session is in progress. Assessing and evaluating would include assessing the progress of a student at regular intervals through the course and upon completion evaluating how well the course was planned and delivered.

My own students are primarily mature professionals working in the financial services sector and in identifying their need I would ensure that the individual learning styles are taken into account such as whether they might be a passive or active learner as outlined in Dale's Learning Cone (1969). I might also get the students to participate in the Honey and Mumford diagnostic survey (1997). I would also need recognise the importance of the basic right of their self-esteem being maintained. In an adapted version of a Maslow (1954), the hierarchy of needs expressed in educational terms, self esteem is identified by the question 'am I learning something useful?' In meeting these needs, I would have to take responsibility in ensuring that I give appropriate advice, information and guidance. As the students work in a field where changes, both legislative and infrastructure are seen regularly, it would be important that I remain up-to date and fully aware of the latest industry development.

In teaching my subject to this particular group of students I would not have to consider some boundaries that other teachers might for example, Every Child Matters although there would still be elements of this such as duty of care that would be required of me. Notwithstanding this, I would have to consider the demands of the organising body to ensure that the schedule of work presented to students would enable them to meet the criteria of the qualification award. Ground rules might also have to be set perhaps concerning the taking of business calls on their mobile phone during the course of the session.


For any teacher, there are a number of core legal requirements to which they must adhere and these might include:

• Health and Safety • Equal Opportunities • Child Protection • Data protection • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Under the Health and Safety in the Workplace Act of 1974 and subsequent amendments, everybody has a right to work and study in places where the risks are properly controlled. As such, my employers and I are bound to ensure