My testable question:
Does Temperature affect resistivity a solution?
My Hypothesis: What I believe will happen is that if the temperature of the solution is increased then the conductivity will also increase. I will test this by using a solution that is 50% water and 50% Gatorade. I am predicting that as you increase the solution’s temperature more ions will be formed. For conductivity to increase there has to be more ions. I chose this topic because I wanted to expand my knowledge on electrical current and energy. I turned in the topic selection sheets with both of these ideas and then I put the ideas together and that is how I came up with this topic. I did additional research on this topic until I turned in a topic sheet on solar panel and one more on the PH of a solution. I also chose this topic because it posed an interesting question, so I did additional research and my project got accepted. If you want to control conductivity, you can achieve it by controlling the temperature (Easily controllable variable). You can also apply this same thing to insulators .This can be used in many different contexts such as if you don’t want a electric spark on the railroad tracks then you can make the tracks and wheels colder so that there is no electrical current between the train and the railroad.
Scientific Discovery Temperature indicates how hot or cold a substance is compared to other substances. Normally it is compared to at what point water freezes and boils [1]. The temperature is based on the amount of heat it has and with the speed and motion of atoms. The faster the atoms move, higher the temperature. The atoms moving faster and slower are explained by the kinetic molecular theory. This theory explains how atoms gain and lose energy.[1] Temperature always travels from the hotter substance to the colder substance. This will happen until the 2 substances are at exactly the same temperature. This will happen in my project when the heat transfers from the stove to the solution. In my project I will be using the temperature as the independent variable. It is the independent variable because it is the variable that I am going to manipulate on purpose. [5] My dependent variable is the conductivity because it is the variable that is changing because of the change in temperature. Electrical conductivity is a how well the conductive particle can move through a substance. Resistivity is the reciprocal of conductivity. Resistance causes obstruction to flow of electrical energy and leads to a material heating up. Material and substances with high resistivity are better insulators because remember that resistivity is the opposite of conductivity and so the lower the resistivity the better of a conductor it is.[6]
History Temperature in the US is measured in Fahrenheit but the unit that I am going to uses is the Celsius method.[3] It is the most common method used worldwide. It was found by Anders Celsius in 1742.He came up with the scale after he build his thermometer. The system is also called the Centigrade Scale. The pre-fix cent mean divided into a hundred and the scale has 100 numbers from 0 (freezing point) to 100 (melting point). Anders Celsius livid from 1701- 1744 other than his work on the temperature scale he is famous for his observation of the aurora borealis.[3] The early study of metal and there conductivity was done by Benjamin Franklin and his now famous kite experiment.[4] Alessandro Volta created the theory of static electricity who then later discovered the battery. One of the most famous inventers was Georg Simon Ohm was born in 1787 he started to work on electromagnetism in a school laboratory [4]. He then wrote an important papers on conduction that later was developed into the Ohm’s law. Ohm was able to publish the book and it had many topics such as the relationships
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