Exercise as a Treatment for Depression
LIB100, Class Section
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Summer 2014
Topic: Exercise as a Treatment for Depression
Thesis: Aerobic exercise, especially when done for thirty minutes at least three times a week can have a significant impact on reducing the symptoms of depression.
Selection and Evaluation of Sources:
For my first source I used the entry on exercise in The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine written by L. Flemming Falon. I found this encyclopedia entry by searching the Gale Virtual Reference Library using the search terms depression and exercise. The encyclopedia is current because it was published in 2002. It is authoritative because the author of the entry L. Fleming Fallon Jr., has an M.D. and a Dr.PH and is an Associate Professor of Public Health at Bowling Green State University. The purpose of the encyclopedia is to provide comprehensive coverage of medical topics.
For my second source I used the article, Exercise parameters in the treatment of clinical depression: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Luke G. Perraton and Sarava Kumar in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. I found this article by searching the Ebsco Academic Search Premier database. The article is current because it was published in 2010. It is authoritative because the Perraton is a researcher with the Centre for Allied Health Evidence, University of South Australia and Sarava is the Deputy Director of that same center. The purpose of the journal article is to provide research regarding the impact of exercise on depression.
For my third source I used the article, Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms written by the Mayo Clinic staff found on the Mayo Clinic website. I found this article by searching the Mayo Clinic website using the search terms depression exercise. The article is current because it was posted October, 1, 2011 and is
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