KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) as one of the most popular and successful fast food restaurants, which was founded by Harland Sanders in North Corbin, Kentucky in 1930 and concentrate on fried chicken, after decades of development, KFC has become the world’s second largest fast food restaurant chain. In the first twenty years of fried chicken was invented, Harland Sanders opened a restaurant to sell the fried chicken. In 1952, Harland Sanders recognized that franchising is the best way to expand his fried chicken business, so the first KFC franchise opened in Utah in 1952, since then KFC entered a rapid development period. In 1964, KFC has more than 600 Fourth, KFC has lot of promotion activities. Such as advertising, which has become a magic weapon of KFC to attract customers. For example, sometime I confusing about what I got eat tonight cause I do not want cooking, at this time I saw the advertising of KFC 90% for sure I will order it. Also, the KFC’s promotion activities include price-off promotions or launch special meals. Fifth, it’s about KFC’s internal comprehensive advantages. Such as friendly company image, comfortable environment, good service, acceptable price, and high quality and safety of food. All of these come to together become the comprehensive competitiveness of KFC.
Negative Influence on My Perception
In this part, there are four parts of negative influence on my perception, two of them are the weaknesses within the KFC Company, and two are threaten from external environment. I will talk about the weaknesses within the company first. First, as I mentioned before, KFC has more than 20,000 restaurants around the world, so it can great to satisfied the customers and become an advantage of KFC. But on other side, that also can be a largest weakness. We should know that each of KFC restaurants is relatively independent cause most of them are franchisee. So the challenge is how the KFC headquarter to manage them to ensure that each of them will work very well. Cause they are stand together use one brand KFC, if one make a mistake will influence the
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Contents 1. Company Profile and History 4 2. Current Market Situation 4 2.1 PEST Analysis 4 2.2 Porter’s Five Forces 6 2.3 Competitor Analysis 7 2.4 Market Segmentation 8 3. SWOT and issue analysis 11 3.1 SWOT analysis 11 3.2 Key Successful Factors 13 3.3 Issue Analysis 13 4. Objectives 14 5. Marketing Strategy 14 Appendix 15 Figure 2 15 Reference 16 1. Company Profile and History Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1930, has developed to become one of…
2009) Merchandise(Product) Community(Place) Premium(Price) Upgrade(Promotion) Product the totality of goods or services that a company makes available; output: a decrease in product during the past year. The main opinion that are to be finished by the vendor with honor to the aftermath principle are: Satisfy customer need and demand Product should bear sudden satisfaction of consumer needs Express the location & how consumer should use compound The quality of the product(appearance) Name…
Investigation into how KFC advertisements affect consumer behaviour, and how this affects the perception of the brand ABSTRACT KFC is one of the most popular and well established fast food chains in the world. Sales of products in fast food restaurants have continued to rise in the UK in recent years despite economic recession, and it is clear that KFC continues to thrive. This study explores the relationship between advertising, consumer behaviour and consumer perception of the KFC brand to establish…
OPERATION MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION: KFC is one of the largest franchise company. One of the branch of KFC consists of 100 employees. This business report critically underpin the issues which emerge during the processes, designs and supply chain of the business. It will also unveil that how can KFC become the market leader and gain the competitive advantage over all the rivals. It also reveal that brand name like KFC can increase the productivity, market share avoid wastage…
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strategy is KFC China. Their key approaches involved brand development, optimization of the marketing mix (particularly price and placement) and building brand equity. KFC China has been very successful in penetrating the Chinese market however; they do face potential challenges in the future such as consumer change, threats to their marketing mix and issues with public relations. Analysis: The major marketing strategy that KFC China has employed is developing its brand. It is blatant that KFC have undergone…
CASE STUDIES KFC Case Study Addressing recessionary challenges by focusing on health and value Reference Code: CSCM0271 Publication Date: September 2009 DATAMONITOR VIEW CATALYST This case study focuses on KFC, a division of Yum! Brands, and how the fast food company is attempting to encourage growth during the recession. The company has in particular focused on value meals to enhance customer numbers, while health and environmental initiatives are designed to encourage new customers through…
Southeast University Term Paper KFC: China's Favorite Chicken - Analizyng a Company´s Success School of Economics and Management Name - Number: Mariana Osorio - 220123813 Supervisor: Dr. Qiu Bin September 10th, 2013 KFC: China's Favorite Chicken - Analizyng a Company´s Success Mariana Osorio, 220123813 School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, 210096, Nanjing, China marianaosorio1@gmail.com ABSTRACT Kentucky Fried Chicken generates more annual profits…