Essay on Pressure Area Care

Words: 998
Pages: 4

The skin is the largest organ of the body and it acts as a waterproof protector for all of the internal organs, it is comprised of several layers including the Epidermis which is the outer layer and is a protective multi-layered self renewing structure which varies in thickness depending on which part of the body it covers. Under this is the Dermis, this is a layer of connective tissue which provides the skins elasticity and strength, it also contains sensory nerve endings, blood and lymph vessels, sebaceous and sweat glands. Under this layer is the Subcutaneous fat layer, this layer separates the skin from the underlying bone and muscle with a rich blood supply it also serves as an insulator and energy store. Pressure ulcers develop …show more content…
and it is also the most easily understood and used by nurses dealing directly with patient/clients.
It is important to use risk assessment tools as they give a standard to which the health professional works towards.

All aids and equipment that is used to minimise or relieve pressure ulcers must be used in line with the manufacturers guidelines and with care not harm either yourself or the individual concerned

All up to date information, and support regarding materials, equipment and resources can be obtained from information which is held on the ward and is also available on the Trust intranet and from your senior nursing staff.

It is essential that when administering any pressure ulcer relieving therapy whether it be in the forms of equipment or dressings, you should ensure that all materials are in line with Health & Safety guidelines and that all equipment is in a safe working order, and that the environment in which you are working is free from any hazards. Prior to administering any pressure relieving care ensure that you have valid consent from the individual.

When carrying out pressure area care you must maintain and respect your patients dignity and privacy by ensuring that the area that you are in is enclosed and that your patient is aware of the procedure that you are performing and that you are reassuring your patient to allay any fears or concerns that they may be having.
