Poverty in the World
Poverty is the socioeconomic status of the population who cannot access or lack the resources to meet the basic physical and psychological needs that allow an adequate level and quality of life such as food, housing, education, health care and access to clean water. Usually also is considered the lack of means to access these resources, such as unemployment, lack of income or a low level of the same. Poverty is the economic condition in which people lack sufficient income to obtain basic needs for food, housing, clothing, health services and education, it may also be the result of the processes of social exclusion, social segregation or marginalization. Poverty is an issue that the world faces every day. In this essay I will explain the different kinds of poverty, their causes and the consequences. There is two kind of poverty, the material poverty and the politic Poverty. The material poverty which is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money, the material poverty is caused by the unemployment, income inequality, low education, and lack of freedom, the material poverty consequences are hunger, lack of shelter, and make a person highly vulnerable to illness for not having access to clean water. Politic poverty is when the government do not create the necessary programs to distribute the social income that will make possible everyone to afford that which is considered a normal standard of living in society. Political poverty is caused by corrupted government officials that do not set up goals to increase the education and to reduce the unemployment, their consequences are the increase of people leaving under the normal standard of life. Poverty is a major problem in the United States today. Social, economic, political, and cultural factors all contribute to poverty. Education and economic development are two major issues that will help prevent poverty. Many people have died because of the lack of food, clothing, and money. Poverty has raised the rate of crime due to the lack of essential items they need for survival. It also has caused hunger across the world. Lastly, poverty has caused much death due to the lack of medicine and unsanitary living conditions. Along with poverty comes the fear of safety. Not only a fear for the common, middle class, people but also a fear for the children in poverty. This fear is caused because many people without much or no money will resort to violence to be able to survive everyday life. Due to poverty many people cannot afford good living space. Most of them end up in living in allies or under bridges. Because of this there is much overcrowding in the major cities. With most of the poverty population
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